
Third Person's Pov:

Somewhere in the NewYork

In the heart of New York City, the Oberoi Mansion stood as a testament to wealth and luxury.

Inside, a woman in her mid-50s moved gracefully around the dining room, directing a team of housekeepers as they prepared the table for dinner.

Despite her age, Anaya Oberoi's beauty and elegance remained untouched by time.

The peaceful atmosphere was broken by the arrival of two men, both in their late 50s, deep in conversation about business matters. Anaya's frustration was evident as she turned to face them.

"Raj," she said, her voice sharp with annoyance,

"how many times do I have to tell you? Keep your business talk out of the house. And you too, Abhi. Do what you want, but I won't be joining you for dinner if you're going to discuss work. I'll eat later. You've ruined my appetite."

The two men, Adhiraj Oberoi (known as Raj) and Abhiraj Oberoi (called Abhi), looked at her with wide eyes, realizing their mistake.

Adhiraj quickly tried to calm his wife.

"Anaya, love," he said, his voice gentle,

"please understand. This was an important discussion. We promise not to bring business home again. Let's just have dinner together, okay?"

As Anaya opened her mouth to protest further, a new voice chimed in from behind them.

"Di, just let it go," the voice reasoned.

"You know it must be important if they're talking about it here."

The newcomer's words brought wide grins to both men's faces, and they nodded eagerly in agreement.

Abhiraj smiled proudly at his wife, Akshara, who had just spoken.

"Akshara is absolutely right, bhabhi," he said.

Anaya sighed, her anger dissipating slightly. She nodded and asked,

"Okay. By the way, where is everyone else?"

Akshara replied,

"They've gone away for a week due to some business matters."

Anaya nodded again and called out to a nearby housekeeper.

"Could you please go and call Ansh?"

"Of course, ma'am," the helper replied, though her voice betrayed a hint of nervousness.

As the housekeeper made her way to the second floor, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear.

Ansh, or Shreyansh Oberoi, was known for his dislike of intrusions into his personal space.

The helper stood scared in front of the big entrance to the off-limits floor.

This whole level was just for him, like a house inside the house that had its own way out.

Suddenly, a sharp voice made her jump.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Not daring to turn around, she stuttered

"Sir... um... ma'am called you for dinner..."

"You may leave," he commanded coldly, sending a chill down her spine. Without waiting for a reply, he went straight into his room.

As Shreyansh entered his luxurious bathroom, he stood under the cold shower stream, his muscular body illuminated by the soft overhead lights.

Even though he looked tough, he seemed calm inside. Born into the rich Oberoi family, he carried their name easily, known for luxury and power.

Called the world's richest man, Shreyansh moved carefully, not caring what people said. His silence showed how focused he was.

A shrewd businessman, beating even the toughest rivals. With a sharp mind and strong will, he was always ahead in the money world.

In business, people were in awe of him and scared of him. To rivals, he was tough. To friends, he was loyal. To others, he was a mystery.

But under all his success and power, there was something missing that money couldn't buy.

As Shreyansh finished his shower and wrapped a towel loosely around his waist, he entered his bedroom to find someone waiting for him.

It was his mother, Anaya, looking at him sternly.

"Mom... what brings you here?" he asked, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Anaya's expression softened slightly.

"Why, can't I visit my own son's room anymore?" she asked, a hint of hurt in her voice.

Shreyansh's face showed genuine concern.

"Maa, of course you can. Just don't overexert yourself, alright?"

"And what about you, beta?" she asked, her voice trembling as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Maa, I'm fine," Shreyansh began, but Anaya cut him off.

"I brought your favorite food," she said, gesturing to a tray on the nearby table.

"Come, have this."

Shreyansh's expression turned apologetic.

"Maa, I have a conference call now. I'll have the food later, I promise," he said gently but firmly.

Though clearly dissatisfied, Anaya nodded silently.

Shreyansh smiled and tenderly kissed her forehead, causing a tear to trickle down her cheek.

Seeing her tears, Shreyansh hugged her comfortingly.

"Why the tears, maa? If Dad sees this, he'll beat me up," he teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"Goodnight maa, I love you," Shreyansh said, kissing her forehead again. This time, Anaya managed a faint smile.

Their moment was interrupted by Adhiraj appearing at the door, wearing a mock-serious expression as Anaya stifled a laugh.

"Don't touch my wife, young man!" Adhiraj declared dramatically.

"She belongs to me alone. Only I can kiss her or anything else."

Shreyansh rolled his eyes.

"She's my mom, Dad! Don't you get it?"

"I understand, but you can't kiss her. That's only my right," Adhiraj insisted, his possessive nature showing through his playful tone.

Shreyansh raised his hands in mock surrender as Anaya burst out laughing.

Approaching Shreyansh, Anaya spoke softly.

"Ansh, good night beta, and don't forget dinner," she whispered, gently kissing his forehead with a small smile.

Shreyansh smirked at his father, who promptly swept Anaya into a bridal carry, declaring,

"Good night!" with a hearty laugh.

Seeing his father's antics, Shreyansh couldn't help but laugh genuinely for once, instead of his usual forced smiles.

As his parents left, Shreyansh retreated to the large balcony. He gripped the railing as he gazed at the moon, his mind filled with memories of someone who meant everything to him.

As moments passed, a sense of peace washed over him and settled in his heart, an unbidden smile gracing his lips.


The next morning, Shreyansh woke at 5:00 AM, following his usual routine.

He made his way to his private gym, an area strictly off-limits even to his family.

He liked his privacy, and this carefulness had kept his personal life secret, even though he was very rich and famous.

After working out, Shreyansh took a cold shower to calm down. As he got dressed, he thought about what people thought of him.

To the world, he was known as an angry, rich man with a bad temper. He didn't say this wasn't true, but there was more to him than that.

Since childhood, Shreyansh had been known for his cold, grumpy, and rude demeanor.

But someone had made him better.

Sadly, after something happened, he went back to his old ways.

Pushing these thoughts away, Shreyansh left his room to eat breakfast.

He knew if he skipped another meal, his mother would scold him, maybe even with her rolling pin.

Everyone, even his father, was afraid of Anaya's anger. She was usually very nice, but when people didn't listen to her, she could be what his father called an "angry bull."

It was best for everyone to do what she said, so Shreyansh was careful.

As he went down the stairs, trying to fix his cufflinks, someone stopped him.

He knew it was his mother without looking; no one else would dare. She gently took his hands and started fixing the cufflinks for him.

"Ansh," she said softly,

"always remember, when you face any problem, even something small like cufflinks, be patient. Getting angry only makes things worse. Okay?"

Shreyansh nodded, feeling warm inside. His mother always seemed to understand him better than he understood himself.

She had answers for any problem he had, truly the best mother he could ask for.

Anaya smiled warmly and kissed his forehead. Shreyansh kissed her cheek back.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat. It was Adhiraj, looking a bit jealous.

"Finish breakfast and go to your meeting," he said, wanting to break up the moment.

"Seems important."

Abhiraj joked,

"Ansh, something's burning. Do you know what? Your father's heart."

This made Shreyansh laugh as he sat at the table.

Akshara and some helpers were setting the table.

As Shreyansh ate his salad, he looked at his parents and uncle and aunt.

They were feeding each other with such affection, looking absolutely adorable.

He couldn't resist capturing the moment with a few photos on his phone and letting out a loud whistle of appreciation.

Their moment was interrupted by his whistle, and they shot him a playful glare for the disturbance.

Swiftly, Shreyansh rose from his seat and made his way to the main door,
wearing a forced smile.

Memories from the past flooded his mind, bringing tears to his eyes.

Hastily, he brushed them away before anyone noticed, adopting a stern expression as he headed towards his car.

His bodyguards were already in position in three other cars, and his personal assistant stood by, holding the car door open for him.

As he approached, they greeted him, and he acknowledged them with a nod before silently taking his place in the backseat.

Over the years, Shreyansh had mastered the art of concealing his emotions from the outside world.

But that's just how it goes, he thought to himself as the car pulled away from the mansion.

Later that day, applause filled the conference room as the projector displayed Shreyansh's company presentation.

Satisfied smiles adorned the faces of the attendees. His gaze sought out one person in particular, and there he stood, proudly clapping with a broad smile, a clear sign of his satisfaction with Shreyansh's work.

For the past two and a half years, Shreyansh had been at the helm of Oberoi Multinational Company as its CEO, pouring his heart and soul into elevating it to its current stature.

Four years ago, he had started his own company. As it grew and did well, Shreyansh and his father decided to join it with the family company, as Adhiraj wanted to stop working. He wanted to spend all his time with Anaya and travel the world.

Abhiraj and Akshara did the same, also stopping work to enjoy life together. Even though they weren't working anymore, both Adhiraj and Abhiraj were always there to give advice when Shreyansh asked.

Stepping down from the stage, Shreyansh went towards their client, who was standing with his best friend and his assistant. With his assistant following, he went up to them.

"The presentation was great, Mr. Oberoi," the client said, holding out his hand.

"I'm excited to work with you."

Shreyansh nodded and shook hands before quietly asking his friend to come to his office.

As they went in, they hugged, and his friend congratulated him.

"Congrats dude! You did awesome," he said happily.

Shreyansh faintly smiled and nodded, and his friend seemed to grasp the unspoken request without further inquiry.

"Ekaansh what happened? Is there something which is bothering you," Shreyansh said when he noticed Ekaansh a little different.

"Ansh could you please head to our Indian branch? There's a significant issue that needs addressing. I trust you to handle it, especially considering the importance of that branch to me."

"Of course, Aksh," Shreyansh replied without hesitation.

"No need to ask."

Ekaansh Raichand and Shreyansh had been best friends since they were kids, more like brothers than friends.

Ekaansh was as good at business as Shreyansh. He came from a powerful family, and if you crossed them, you might not survive in the world.

Ekaansh smiled warmly and hugged Shreyansh again before leaving.

Alone, Shreyansh sat in his chair between the two offices. As he opened his MacBook, his gaze lingered on a particular picture, and a solitary tear escaped, landing directly on the image.

Even just seeing her for a moment made him feel very guilty and hate himself. With a heavy heart, he closed his eyes and whispered,

"I miss you..."


Di- elder sister

Maa- mom

Here is the next chapter ๐Ÿ˜š

Hope you all would like it.

let me know what do you think about it!

Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Love you allโคโค

Thank you๐ŸŒน โ™ก

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A student who loves writing๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽ“