
Shreyansh's POV:

Suddenly a man in his thirties appeared, calling her name and patting her cheeks. Seeing him touch her made me angry.

How dare he put his hands on her?

I wanted to hurt him for touching my Aanshi.

Just then, the man's phone rang. He looked at Aanshi, still lying there, before walking away to answer. As he left, I worried.

Who was this man?

How did he know Aanshi?

What were they to each other?

I trust Aanshi completely she's the kindest, most loyal person I know. But I don't trust others around her.

Aanshi is so innocent and trusting, always seeing the good in people. Too often, that trust is broken without her knowing.

I know her better than anyone, able to read her thoughts just by looking in her eyes. And she knows me just as well.

But one terrible thing changed everything between us, tying our lives together in ways I never expected.

I can't forget those who hurt her, though I haven't tried to get back at them. Not yet. I want Aanshi to face them herself if she wants to.

They caused her pain that day. I won't take away her right to confront them, even though I want to make them pay.

My dark thoughts stopped when I saw the medical team coming. Without thinking, I rushed over and picked Aanshi up.

Holding her close after so long apart made me feel so many things relief, longing, love. But I pushed those feelings away. Aanshi needed help now.

I hurried to a nearby room, carrying her gently. Once inside, I laid her on the couch very carefully.

I held her hand tightly as the doctors checked her, my heart beating fast as I waited to hear if she was okay.

Finally, the doctors spoke. They said Aanshi probably fainted because she was tired and weak.

They told me what to do to help her, then left us alone. I knelt beside the couch, looking at Aanshi's face.

My heart hurt when I saw how pale she looked, and how thin she'd gotten.

Had she been sick?

Was anyone taking care of her?

The thought made me feel awful. There was a time when even a tiny scratch on Aanshi would make her whole family panic.

Doctors were always ready to help their precious girl at any moment.

Aanshi is the only daughter of Vivaan and Anamika Raichand. She's their only girl after seven generations of only boys.

She has four brothers who love her dearly. But one cruel thing forced her to leave everyone she loved, leaving a big hole in all our lives.

From the day she was born, Aanshi was the beloved of the Raichand family.

Everyone adored her, treating her like a precious doll to be cherished. Whatever she wished for, she got.

But even with all this, Aanshi stayed humble. She was always kind, helping others without thinking twice.

At such a young age, Aanshi had done so much. Her family was so proud of her hard work.

But with all the praise, some people were jealous. Oh, how I wish I had seen the danger sooner...

My thoughts stopped when Aanshi slowly opened her eyes. The innocent look in her eyes, like a baby seeing the world for the first time, made me laugh softly.

Startled by the sound, she turned to face me. Her eyes got big when she recognized me.

Even though she was clearly weak, Aanshi tried to sit up quickly. When I moved to help her, she held up her hand to stop me. The anger in her voice hurt me as she spoke:

"Why are you here, Mr. Oberoi? You should be with your wife. She was probably waiting for you all night. As husband and wife, you shouldn't leave her alone..."


What wife?

I was confused and hurt. It broke my heart to hear Aanshi talk to me so formally, like we were strangers.

What had happened to make her speak to me this way?

Shaking with emotion, Aanshi leaned on the headrest as she kept talking:

"What do you want now? Haven't you hurt all my relationships enough already? Did you come here just to hurt me again?"

The pain in her voice was unbearable. I wanted to hug her and make her feel better. But before I could move, she said something that crushed me:

"Remember, you mean nothing to me now. I hate you. In fact, I hate everyone, but I hate myself even more than I could ever hate you. I hate that I exist."

With those awful words, Aanshi fell to the floor. Tears ran down her face as she cried quietly. Seeing her so sad broke my heart completely.

Without thinking, I got down on the floor with her. I hugged her tight, happy to hold her after two long, lonely years apart. I was so glad when she didn't push me away.

Aanshi is my everything, the reason my heart beats. Even during those two years apart, I always believed I'd find her again.

That I'd fix things between us and get back all we lost. Just thinking about something bad happening to her scares me so much. I would do anything to keep her safe.

I didn't want to let go, but I gently lifted Aanshi back onto the couch. I knelt in front of her, holding her hands and wiping away her tears.

Right then, I realized again how much she means to me I might be powerful in the world, but only Aanshi can bring me to my knees.

Aanshi's cheeks turned pink when I touched her. Even now, after everything, she's still so shy and cute. Before she could say anything else, I kissed her.

Her eyes closed right away, just like mine. I knew I had so much to explain.

So many misunderstandings to clear up, so much lost time to make up for.

But right now, all I wanted was to enjoy this moment together.

I put all my love into that kiss. Softly, gently, I tried to show Aanshi how much she means to me.

She is my life, my reason for living. And this was our first kiss a quiet way of saying how much I missed her.

When we finally stopped kissing after what felt like forever, I looked at Aanshi's very red cheeks.

She slowly opened her eyes, looked at me with a shy smile, then hid her face against my chest.

Lost in our own world, we didn't see the person standing in the doorway.

He watched us with a tight jaw, then turned and walked away.

After our kiss, Aanshi snuggled close to my chest. Her soft, even breathing told me the medicine had made her sleepy.

As I held her, I thought about how this had turned out to be the best day I could remember. I finally had my Aanshi back in my arms where she belonged.

Aanshi. It's a special name I've called her since I first saw her as a baby. I was only two years old then, but something about that tiny baby captured my heart completely.

From that moment on, she became my Aanshi ,my life, my everything.

My happy thoughts stopped when I noticed Aanshi getting very hot. Her face was bright red with fever. I panicked and quickly called the doctor who had treated her earlier.

"What medicine did you give her?" I asked worriedly.

"She's burning up!"

"It could be a side effect, sir," the doctor said calmly.

"Did she eat anything before taking the medicine?"

With a sinking feeling, I realized I had forgotten about that important detail.

"No, she hasn't eaten anything."

"That's okay, sir," the doctor said.

"You can give her some soup or something light now. Just make sure she rests a lot and takes care of her health."

After hanging up, I immediately called my bodyguard. I told him to clear the back way out .

I needed to get Aanshi to the hotel without anyone seeing us. Carefully picking up the still-sleeping Aanshi, I quietly went out the back exit. My guards made sure no one saw us leave.

I couldn't risk anyone finding out who Aanshi really was. If they saw her with me, they would start asking questions.

They'd want to know who she was, how we knew each other, why I was carrying her. Aanshi has always liked her privacy.

She hates when people pry into her personal life, though she'd never say so.

My sweet Aanshi cares so much about others' feelings that she stays quiet even when it hurts her.

As we left through the back door, I was glad to see my car waiting.

I carefully got into the backseat, putting Aanshi's head in my lap so she could rest during the short drive.

It would only take about 10-15 minutes to reach the hotel.

As we drove, I remembered I needed to tell Aksh( Ekaansh) later that we had found Aanshi.

He loves her so much. Interestingly, this very branch of the company belonged to Aanshi.

Ekaansh had named it after her to honor their royal family roots from Rajasthan, even though the business is now in New York.

The company name, Anshvi, mixed their names together.

When we got to the hotel, my security team had already made the area safe.

We were able to go into the room without anyone bothering us. With Aanshi still in my arms and surrounded by more guards, we went inside.

Once we were in, the door was locked behind us.

I gently laid Aanshi on the bed, tucking her in carefully before adjusting the air conditioning.

I couldn't leave her side, so I sat next to her, leaning against the headboard.

I looked at her innocent face in wonder, hardly able to believe she was really here with me.

It felt like a dream to have her so close after so long apart. I held her hand, trying to convince myself this was real.

As much as I wanted this moment to last forever, I knew Aanshi would wake up eventually.

And when she did, she might still be angry. She had made it clear earlier how mad she was at me.

But I was determined to win her back, no matter what. I promised myself I wouldn't let her go away this time.

And anyone who tried to come between us would be in big trouble.

Knowing Aanshi would need to eat when she woke up, I decided to make some vegetable soup for her.

I went to the kitchen, glad to find everything I needed. I quickly started making a light, healthy soup.

When I came back to the bedroom, Aanshi was still fast asleep. I couldn't help but laugh softly.

My Aanshi has always loved sleeping so much.

Wake her up at your own risk!

I hated to wake her, but I knew she needed to eat. Gently stroking her hair, I tried to wake her up.

Aanshi moved a little and made a cute little sound before hiding deeper under the blanket.

Seeing her do this, just like she always used to, made my heart ache with how much I had missed her.

Sighing fondly, I said softly,

"Wake up, bachha." It was the same thing I'd always say to wake her up.

Aanshi's eyes fluttered open slowly. She looked confused for a moment,the innocent wonder in her gaze made me chuckle involuntarily.

Startled by the sound, she turned to face me. Her eyes widened as recognition dawned.

Despite her obvious weakness, Aanshi swiftly tried to sit up. When I moved to help her, she held up her palm to halt me. The bitterness in her voice cut me to the quick as she spoke:

"What do you want now? Haven't you done enough damage to all my relationships already? Did you come here just to tear me apart once more?"

The anguish in her voice was unbearable. I wanted nothing more than to wrap her in my arms and soothe away her pain.

But before I could move, she delivered the final, crushing blow:

"Just remember, you mean nothing to me now. I hate you. In fact, I hate everyone, but what you may not know is that I hate myself even more than I could ever hate you. I despise my very existence."

With those devastating words, she broke my heart.

But In a soft, pleading voice, I tried to make her understand.

"Aanshi, please, just listen to me for a moment. You fainted, and I brought you here. Please don't shout; you're weak and running a high fever. Please, just rest, and I promise I'll take you back home once you're feeling better."

"I don't want your help, or anyone else's for that matter," she interrupted, her voice breaking as she cried bitterly.

"You know, sometimes certain situations teach you the most important lessons in life. Like realizing never to depend on anyone, be it emotionally, financially, or in any way. When you're in need, they'll just turn their back on you, and in that moment, you'll regret ever relying on them," she reflected, her thoughts drifting back to the past.

Then, turning to me, she whispered,

"I hate you, Shrey."

Her words hurt me deeply, breaking my heart. Without realizing it, my eyes filled with tears.

One tear rolled down my cheek. But Aanshi didn't notice how upset I was. She walked to the door, even though I tried to stop her.

I fell to the floor with a loud bump. I put my head on the couch nearby and tears started to fall uncontrollably one by one.

I couldn't stop them.


Here is the next chapter ๐Ÿ˜š

Hope you all would like it.

let me know what do you think about it!

I know starting ke chapters thode boring honge but trust me the story won't disappoint you โœ‹๐Ÿ˜ญ

Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Love you allโคโค

Thank you๐ŸŒน โ™ก

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