Bad omen

Third Person's Pov:

"Anamika, your parents were in an accident. They... they didn't survive," Sushma said, giving them terrible news.

When Anamika heard this, the world seemed to stop. Her parents were very special to her, always there to help and love their only child.

She remembered happy times with them, mixed with the sad truth that they were now gone.

Filled with sadness, Anamika fell back, but Vivaan caught her quickly, holding her tight.

Yuvaansh, seeing what was happening, told Aradhana with a look to take the baby from Anamika.

Aradhana did this, gently holding the baby as Anamika passed out from the shock.

Vivaan said loudly,

"Call the doctor now, hurry!"

He then carried Anamika to their room, worried about his wife.

He knew Anamika cared deeply about her parents, as they were her only family.

After the doctors left, everyone stayed in the room, worried about Anamika.

Suddenly, Anamika opened her eyes, looking around until she saw the baby in Aradhana's arms.

The baby started crying because she was hungry, and Anamika tried to go to her. But Sushma's mean words stopped her.

"Don't move! Don't show love to this unlucky child. She brought bad things to us. Your parents had a crash because of her. Yes, Anamika, you have no parents now because of her," Sushma said angrily.

Anamika cried hard, falling to the floor in pain. Vivaan ran to her, while Yuvaansh talked to Sushma, not believing what she said.

"What's wrong with you, Mom? How can you say such things? She's just a new baby, small and helpless. You can't blame her for what happened," Yuvaansh said, sounding upset and angry.

But Sushma didn't change her mind. Before she could say more, Vivaan spoke up, sounding angry.

"That's enough! No more talking. You're being very wrong," he said firmly, making his mother stop talking.

"How can you blame a small child for things she couldn't do? This is the last time you'll say such things,"

Vivaan said strongly, not letting anyone argue. He watched Sushma look at Anamika one last time before leaving.

Anamika was thinking about what Sushma said. Sushma had been like a mother to her, always there when she needed help.

Her thoughts were stopped by the loud sound of the door closing, making everyone jump and the baby cry.

Vivaan quickly took the baby, talking softly to her. He saw the children at the door, looking curious. He told them to come closer and sit on the bed.

As the baby lay on the soft bed under the warm cover, with everyone looking at her, Anamika couldn't help but smile.

Ekaansh came to her and kissed her cheek, making the baby smile. Everyone was happy as the twins gently touched her, and Ekaansh said...

"She's so soft and small, Dad, just like a Barbie doll. I'll keep her safe," He said proudly, making everyone laugh.

But deep down, all the boys felt the same way.

Then, Ekaansh said he had a gift for the baby. He ran off with the others to get it, while the adults looked at the new baby.

While they were looking, Yuvaansh talked about the baby's naming event.

"Maybe the day after tomorrow would be good," Vivaan said, and Yuvaansh agreed.

While they were talking, they heard Ekaansh scream loudly. Worried, they ran to him, with Anamika following.

They found Ekaansh at the bottom of the stairs, with someone trying to make him feel better.

The other children were nearby, looking worried. They asked the person what happened.

"He was running down the stairs and fell. Luckily, I was close by and caught him just in time. He's crying because he's scared," the person said.

Anamika was feeling mixed up, thinking about what Sushma said.

Even though everyone liked the baby, Anamika felt scared.

She thought the baby had brought bad luck to her family, first with her parents' crash and now with Ekaansh's fall.

Wanting to protect her son, Anamika carried him to their room, with Vivaan following.

Aradhana started to follow, but Yuvaansh stopped her.

"They need to be alone. Let's not go in," he said kindly.

Aradhana looked worried as she said,

"I can see it in Di's eyes. She doesn't like the baby. I saw it myself," she said, sounding scared.

Yuvaansh sighed, knowing she was right.

"I've seen it too, but I'm sure bhai will love her no matter what. And as her aunt, you'll give her lots of love too, maybe even more than a mother would," he said, hugging her to make her feel better.

Aradhana nodded, feeling better after hearing this, and hugged him back with a thankful smile.

Meanwhile in the room:

Anamika put Ekaansh on the bed, next to the baby. Even though he had just fallen, Ekaansh smiled sweetly at the baby, touching her soft cheeks. Vivaan came in, looking serious.

"What was that about, Anamika? Can you explain?" he asked, sounding angry.

Feeling more angry at the baby, Anamika's hate grew stronger.

Vivaan's angry way of talking, and using her full name instead of his usual nick name for her, made her even more upset.

"I hate her! I hate her because everything happened because of her. My parents are gone, Vivaan. I have no parents now. And today, I almost lost my son because of her," she said angrily, pointing at the baby.

"I'm sorry I kept her. I should have listened to the doctors and not had her when they said there would be problems," she said bitterly.

"Please, just stop, Anu. You'll be sorry for saying this one day," Vivaan said, sounding sad and tired.

He loved her very much, and understood how sad she was about her parents dying.

But seeing his wife say such mean things about their daughter made him feel bad.

He couldn't stand seeing the woman he loved saying such bad things about their, or really his, daughter.

Feeling very sad, he watched as she turned away, looking angry. He sighed deeply, feeling very upset about everything.

After two weeks:

Two weeks had passed, but Anamika wasn't acting any better; she was actually worse.

She didn't seem to care about the baby, only feeding her because Vivaan was happy she did, knowing it was good for the baby's health.

Aradhana, Yuvaansh, and Vivaan, and the rest of the family, gave the baby lots of love.

They were happy to see how much the children loved the new baby, feeling good about how close they all were.

During the baby's naming event, Vivaan held her close, looking at her with love and feeling bad.

He felt sad thinking that he once thought about not having her, now knowing how much he loved his daughter. He felt very bad as he thought,

"What if Anamika had aborted the baby?"

When Anamika first got pregnant, the doctors said there might be big problems, and said they should think about not having the baby.

Scared of the worst, Vivaan told Anamika to end the pregnancy, not wanting to lose her. But anamika said no, not wanting to hurt an innocent baby.

Now, sitting next to him, Anamika looked like she didn't care, hiding her feelings.

Across from them, Yuvaansh and Aradhana sat with the children, watching the serious event.

Behind them, the young ones watched carefully, knowing things were tense.

Meanwhile, Sushma stood nearby, clearly not happy, especially about the baby girl.

As the priest said special words, everyone waited. Finally, he said,

"The name should start with the letter V."

Vivaan looked at his daughter with love, kissed her forehead gently, and said...

"The name will be Viaanshi. My Vishu. My princess," Vivaan said, sounding very loving and proud.

Yuvaansh felt like crying as he remembered talking with Vivaan before.

When Aradhana was pregnant with twins, Yuvaansh said he wanted to name his future daughter after Vivaan.

But they never had a daughter. Now, Vivaan had given their daughter a name that showed how close they were and their journey together.

Anamika didn't say anything as Vivaan talked about the baby, making him think he should talk to her later, hoping to help her understand and accept their daughter.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps. They turned to see Vivaan and Yuvansh's best friend and business partner, Adhiraj Oberoi, with his wife, Anaya, and their two-year-old son, Shreyansh, coming there.

"Come, Adhi, the naming event is almost over. You're just in time," Vivaan said with sarcasm.

Adhiraj sounded sorry as he said,

"Actually, we had to take care of my mother, who isn't feeling well. Abhiraj and his wife, with the children, are already there. We were just packing some important things, which is why we're a bit late. We need to leave in half an hour. I'm sorry we're late."

Everyone nodded, understanding as Adhiraj explained why they were late.

Suddenly, Shreyansh saw something across the room, and let go of his mother's hand to look.

He walked towards Viaanshi, who was in Yuvansh's arms, with a cute smile. Yuvaansh smiled back as Shreyansh reached out to touch Viaanshi's soft cheeks.

"Mom, Dad, look at her! She's so cute and soft, just like a cotton ball. Can we take her with us, please?" Shreyansh asked excitedly, his eyes shining.

Anaya tried to explain to Shreyansh gently.

"No, cutie, we can't take her with us. This is her home, and she needs to stay here with her family," she said softly, hoping he would understand.

But Shreyansh didn't want to leave Viaanshi behind.

"You can take her with you when you're old enough to marry her, and then she can come live with us. How about that?" Adhiraj said, joking.

"Never!" both Yuvansh and Vivaan said at the same time, scaring Shreyansh and everyone else in the room.

Viaanshi, scared by the loud noise, started to cry, and Shreyansh started crying too.

"We'll never let her marry anyone. We'll take care of her, and after us, our boys will. But we won't let her get married. If she likes someone, he'll have to come live with us," Vivaan said firmly, and Yuvansh agreed.

The other children saw Shreyansh was upset and quickly came to make him feel better, taking him to play.

But Shreyansh kept looking at Viaanshi, making Anaya and Adhiraj smile knowingly.

Yuvaansh and Vivaan quietly decided to keep Viaanshi away from Shreyansh, making a plan in their heads to keep her safe.

When the event ended, Yuvaansh and Aradhana took Viaanshi to play, while all the guests, including the Oberois, left.

Shreyansh cried loudly at first but finally agreed to go, saying in his baby voice,

"I'll come back, baby, okay? Wait for me."

Taking this chance, Vivaan went to find Anamika to talk honestly. Finding her in the room fixing the bed, he held her arm firmly and asked,

"Now tell me, Anamika. Will you accept her or not?"

Anamika looked at him with a strong face and said,

"I will never accept her as my daughter, but don't worry, I have accepted her as part of the family. You won't have any problems because of me, but don't expect me to love her as my daughter, because I just can't do that."

Vivaan sighed deeply but nodded, giving up. He still hoped that over time, Anamika would eventually accept Viaanshi as her own. He didn't know..


Here is the next chapter ๐Ÿ˜š

Hope you all would like it.

let me know what do you think about it!

Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Love you allโคโค

Thank you๐ŸŒน โ™ก

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