
After Five years:

Third Person's Pov:-

Viaanshi was a chubby, happy little girl. Her bright eyes shone with joy as she ran around the big Raichand house.

She held her second grade report card in her small hand. Even though she was only in first grade, Viaanshi was so smart that she did work for older kids.

Even though she was very smart for her age, Viaanshi didn't act serious all the time. She was full of fun and energy.

Her name means "Living with Life" in Sanskrit, and it fit her well. Everyone in the house loved the lively young girl. Her happy laugh made the whole house brighter.

Viaanshi's brothers were only seven years old, but they loved their little sister very much.

They looked after her like she was the most important thing in the world.

To them, Viaanshi was like a good luck charm. They thought she brought good luck to all their work.

In fact, Vivaan and Yuvaansh had even started some businesses using Viaanshi's name, and the names of their other kids.

Every business they put in Viaanshi's name did really well, like it was blessed with her good luck.

But even though most of her family loved Viaanshi, one person really didn't like her - Sushma.

For some reason, Sushma hated Viaanshi more and more as time went on. She really disliked the little girl.

Sushma wanted to get rid of Viaanshi completely. She was set on making Viaanshi leave the family, no matter what she had to do.

Sushma would do anything to be free of Viaanshi. She even tried to use her daughter-in-law Anamika in her mean plans against the girl.

Sushma thought she could easily trick the kind Anamika.

She thought she could make Anamika be mean to Viaanshi and maybe even make her leave the family.

Sushma's bad plans against the innocent child were very wrong.

Anamika was very cold to Viaanshi. She treated the young girl like she was sick and should be avoided.

She ignored Viaanshi completely, never talking to her or doing anything with her.

Anamika didn't care about Viaanshi at all. She never checked if Viaanshi had enough food, clean clothes, or was taken care of.

It was like she thought the child wasn't important and didn't deserve a mother's love.

The only mother's love Viaanshi got was from Aradhana, the kind grandmother of the family.

Aradhana loved Viaanshi like she was her own daughter. She took care of the young girl all the time, giving her all the love a child needs.

Viaanshi loved Aradhana very much too, calling her "Mimmi" as a sweet nickname.

They had a beautiful, loving relationship that helped fill the empty space left by Anamika's coldness.

Even though Viaanshi knew Anamika was her real mother, she still tried to get close to her and win her love.

But each time, Anamika pushed her away and was very cold to her. This must have hurt Viaanshi a lot.

Currently Viaanshi came running into the living room where her family was having snacks.

Her happy laugh filled the room as she ran to her father Vivaan.

"Dada! See, I'm home!" Viaanshi shouted, her bright eyes full of fun and excitement.

Vivaan turned when he heard his daughter's voice. He smiled warmly when he saw how happy she was.

Yuvaansh looked too, smiling at his beloved daughter's energy.

As Viaanshi ran up to them, Vivaan knelt down and gave her a big, loving hug.

He felt her small body against his chest as she caught her breath from running.

Vivaan gently patted Viaanshi's back as she calmed down.

Their bodyguard came in after Viaanshi, making Vivaan and Yuvansh look worried.

The fathers were always careful, watching out for their precious daughter.

But Viaanshi's happy giggles made them feel better, and they smiled.

Vivaan and Yuvansh watched over her with serious but loving faces, like good protectors.

Then, Aradhana came into the living room. She smiled brightly when she saw the sweet family moment.

"Welcome home, my little angel!" Aradhana said happily, picking up Viaanshi and hugging her tight.

Viaanshi laughed and hugged Aradhana's neck.

"Mimmi, I missed you so much today!" she said sweetly.

"And I missed you even more, my precious one," Aradhana said, giving Viaanshi a loving kiss on the cheek.

Vivaan chuckled and ruffled Viaanshi's hair like a loving father.

"I think someone has some exciting news to share," he said, seeing the report card in her hand.

"Dada, wait until you see my report card!" Viaanshi said, almost jumping up and down with excitement.

"I can't wait, beta. I'm sure it's full of stars and top grades, just like my brilliant daughter," Vivaan said proudly.

He took Viaanshi's small hand in his bigger one and led her to the soft sofa where the rest of the family sat.

But before they could sit down, Aradhana gently stopped them.

"Come, dear. Let's get you cleaned up and have a little snack first. Then we can look at your wonderful report card together, okay?" she said kindly.

Viaanshi nodded and gave Vivaan and Yuvansh each a kiss on the cheek before going with Aradhana.

The two brothers looked at each other and laughed, amused by Viaanshi's usual dramatic way.

With the youngest family member gone, the living room got quiet for a while.

Vivaan and Yuvansh took the chance to talk about some work things.

Soon, they heard the sound of running feet as Viaanshi came back. She ran into the room, her face clean and her hair neatly brushed.

In her small hands, she held her report card tightly.

"Welcome back, princess," Yuvaansh said with a nice smile.

He could tell Viaanshi was nervous about showing her grades.

"Thank you, papa," Viaanshi said politely, giving him a cute smile with her little teeth showing.

"Yes, my dear, come sit with us," Vivaan said, patting the space next to him on the sofa.

"We're very eager to see how you did."

Viaanshi climbed up next to her father, still holding her report card tightly.

Aradhana sat on her other side, gently stroking the young girl's hair to make her feel better.

Seeing she was uncomfortable, Yuvansh leaned forward with a warm smile.

"Princess, you know we're always proud of how hard you work, right? Whatever the results say, we'll be happy because we know how much effort you put in."

Viaanshi smiled brightly at her father, papa, and mimmi. Her cute little tooth showed when she grinned.

She nodded her head eagerly. Then she gave them her report card.

Viaanshi closed her eyes tight. She didn't want to see how they reacted at first.

Yuvansh and Vivaan each gave her a kiss on the cheek. Only then did Viaanshi open her eyes slowly.

In a small, worried voice, Viaanshi whispered,

"Aren't you upset? I got a C grade in extra activities again."

Yuvansh answered gently,

"Why would we be upset, princess? Not everyone is great at everything. You are amazing in school work. We all have things we're good at and things we're not so good at."

He gave her an encouraging smile.

"Don't worry about that C grade at all. We're going to celebrate your wonderful report card!"

Vivaan smiled at his daughter proudly.

"That's right, beta. You were the best in the whole class! Well done."

Viaanshi's eyes lit up at their praise. But then her face fell a little.

"Can we wait to celebrate until after Bhaiyu comes home?" she asked in her sweet, innocent voice.

The little girl really loved her brothers. She didn't want them to miss out on any fun.

Yuvansh laughed, finding her loving nature cute.

"As you wish, my princess. We'll celebrate all together as a family."

Viaanshi nodded happily. She kissed Yuvansh's cheeks then Aradhana's. Both of their faces broke into big smiles at her loving gesture.

Then Viaanshi took Vivaan's hand. They always spend some special time together after she comes home, no matter how busy Vivaan is.

He's always there for his princess. He led her out of the room, probably to find a little treat to enjoy before her brothers arrive.

Aradhana watched them go with a happy smile. Even though there were problems and sadness in their family, moments like this made her very happy.

Her sweet Viaanshi was so pure and loving. Aradhana hoped they could keep that innocence for as long as possible.

She knew Viaanshi had brought their family more happiness than they deserved.

As Viaanshi walked hand-in-hand with her father, she felt very happy. Her fathers' praise had made her feel very proud.

She knew the C grade wasn't a big deal to them. But it still made her a little sad. Viaanshi wanted to be the best at everything.

Vivaan seemed to know she was still a bit disappointed. He gave her small hand a gentle squeeze.

"Why do you look sad, my smart little princess? We're not upset about one bad grade at all," he told her.

Viaanshi looked up at him with big, questioning eyes.

"But I worked really hard in all my activities too," she said.

"I just don't understand why I keep getting a C!"

Vivaan stopped walking and knelt down so he could look into her eyes directly.

"Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, there are just some things we find harder than others. And that's okay."

He touched her cheek lovingly.

"The important thing is that you did your very best. And you did, didn't you beta?"

Viaanshi nodded slowly.

"I really did, Dada. I worked so hard," she said, sounding frustrated.

Tears started to come to her eyes. Vivaan quickly hugged her, letting her hide her face against his chest.

"Shhh, shhh, my precious girl. It's okay to feel sad sometimes. You're allowed to have those feelings," he said softly, stroking her hair.

"Being a very good student doesn't mean everything is always easy."

Viaanshi sniffled against his shirt.

"B-But everyone thinks I'm so smart and special. What if they stop thinking that because of my bad grade?"

"Oh, princess." Vivaan pulled away and looked her in the eyes seriously.

"You are the smartest, most special girl in the whole world to us. Nothing could ever change how proud we are of you."

He used his thumb to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.

"One activity you find hard doesn't make your amazing mind and talents any less special. You are so amazing, beta."

Viaanshi's eyes started to shine again as she thought about her father's loving words.

She gave him a small smile and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Dada. I just try so hard to be perfect," she said quietly.

Vivaan laughed softly, hugging her tight.

"You're only human, my love. It's okay not to be perfect at everything. We love you no matter what."

He kissed the top of her head.

"Now how about we get some ice cream to celebrate your amazing report card? Then we can pick out a new book or game as a reward for all your hard work."

Viaanshi's whole face lit up right away at the ideas. She pulled back and nodded quickly, already forgetting her sadness.

Vivaan took her little hand again, and they walked towards the playing area feeling happy and excited.

After that they both played games and watched cartoons.

At dinner time:

After spending time together, Vivaan and Viaanshi were very hungry.

They were eating their food quickly. Vivaan was eating so fast, like the food might disappear soon. Viaanshi copied her father.

Everyone else thought it was funny to watch them. But they didn't laugh.

Vivaan had told them seriously,

"Don't bother us while eating."

Vivaan and Viaanshi played games earlier. He helped her with homework too.

They talked and laughed a lot. They didn't realize how late it got. That's why they were eating in such a hurry now.

Vivaan sat at the head of the table. Anamika sat to his left. Viaanshi sat on his right side.

Sushma wasn't there, she wasn't feeling well. Aradhana sat next to Viaanshi. Yuvaansh sat across from Aradhana.

Suddenly, Vivaan and Viaanshi started coughing loudly. They had eaten too fast. The food got stuck in their throats.

Anamika quickly poured a glass of water. She made Vivaan drink it to help him. But she ignored Viaanshi completely.

Viaanshi's eyes filled with tears when her mother ignored her.

But she didn't say anything. She just looked down and kept coughing softly.

Even though Viaanshi was only five years old, she was very grown-up. She thought she didn't deserve her mother's love.

This is what her grandmother Sushma had told her.

Yuvaansh and Aradhana watched with worried looks. Aradhana quickly gave Viaanshi some water to drink.

Then she gently pulled Viaanshi onto her lap. She rubbed Viaanshi's back to make her feel better.

As Vivaan stopped coughing, he noticed Viaanshi was sad. But before he could speak, Viaanshi said

"Papa, Mimmi, I'm feeling sleepy now. Let's eat fast so we can go to bed early, okay?"

Viaanshi changed the subject on purpose. Even at five years old, she spoke very clearly.

Vivaan hugged Viaanshi with much love. Her little arms went around his neck.

He kissed her forehead, nose, both cheeks, chin and palms gently. It looked like he was worshipping her.

Smiling, Viaanshi stood up on Vivaan's lap. Now their faces were at the same level. Vivaan's hand rested carefully on her small waist.

Viaanshi kissed Vivaan's forehead, nose, cheeks and chin softly. Vivaan had tears in his eyes from her sweet actions.

He hugged her tightly and quickly wiped his eyes, not wanting to show too much feeling.

Anamika, Aradhana and Yuvaansh watched the touching moment.

Even Anamika felt something in her heart for a second. But she quickly pushed that feeling away.

After hugging, Yuvaansh took Viaanshi away. Anamika and Aradhana started cleaning the dishes together.

Even though they had helpers, they liked it doing for their family themselves.

In the kitchen, Anamika spoke up quietly.

"I don't understand why Vivaan loves that child so much."

Aradhana gave her a disappointed look.

"Viaanshi is your daughter too, di. She is a gift to be loved, not ignored."

Anamika didn't answer. She just looked down at the dishes in the sink, cleaning them hard.

Aradhana sighed sadly.

"Remember my words, one day you will be sorry for not loving your own child. Don't let wrong hate stop you from feeling a mother's love."

In the room:

"Papa, Papa," Viaanshi called out in an extra sweet voice as Yuvansh tucked her into her soft bed.

He laid down beside her like they always did. She always spends her day with Vivaan and at night she can't sleep without Yuvansh and Aradhana.

Viaanshi snuggled happily against her papa. This was their special routine that they loved.

Yuvansh noticed her sugary sweet tone. He narrowed his eyes playfully.

"What are you up to now, princess? You just finished your dinner, didn't you?"

"That's right, papa!" Viaanshi replied.

"But I want that chocolate bar you brought yesterday. You didn't let me have it because I had a toothache. But look, I'm fine now! Please can I have it? I promise I'll share with you and I won't tell Mimmi. Pinky promise!" She looked at him with big puppy dog eyes.

Yuvansh sighed but nodded anyway.

He could never say no to those eyes!

With a playful grin, he started tickling Viaanshi, making her laugh loudly. He knew how ticklish she was.

Suddenly, Aradhana walked in. She pretended to complain,

"Oh! Having fun without me? That's not fair at all! You should have waited for me. Don't you love me anymore?"

Viaanshi and Yuvansh looked at each other with funny faces. Then they both started laughing a lot together.

After a while of laughing and playing, Yuvansh and Aradhana saw that Viaanshi had fallen asleep.

They gently laid her down, making sure she was cozy and comfortable under her blanket. They each gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.

Then the two settled down themselves, feeling peaceful and happy as they fell asleep too.

In the middle of the night, Viaanshi woke up feeling thirsty.

She saw Yuvaansh and Aradhana sleeping on either side of her. Smiling, she leaned over and kissed Yuvansh's cheek softly.

"Papa," she whispered, gently shaking his arm.

"I'm thirsty."

Yuvansh slowly opened his eyes. When he saw his daughter, his face broke into a warm smile.

"Of course, princess. Let's get you some water."

He carefully picked Viaanshi up and carried her to the kitchen. After she drank some water, he asked,

"All better now?"

Viaanshi nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, papa. I love you."

Yuvansh's eyes felt watery as he hugged her back.

"I love you too, my precious girl. More than you'll ever know."

He kissed the top of her head and brought her back to the bedroom.

They snuggled back under the covers together and quickly fell into a peaceful sleep once more.


Here is the next chapter ๐Ÿ˜š

Hope you all would like it.

let me know what do you think about it!

Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Love you allโคโค

Thank you๐ŸŒน โ™ก

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A student who loves writing๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽ“