
Shreyansh's Pov:-

The morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, filling my large bedroom with a warm glow.

As I blinked away the remnants of sleep, one name echoed in my mind:


My Jaan.

The dream I'd been having left me feeling confused and overwhelmed.

I could still picture her beautiful smile and captivating eyes that had stolen my heart so long ago.

The dream felt so real that I could almost feel her touch on my skin.

With a heavy sigh, I rubbed my face with my hands, trying to make the ache of missing her go away.

"Ten years," I muttered to myself.

"It's been ten years since I last saw her in person, but she still has this power over me."

I sat up in bed, looking around my luxurious room.

"This is madness," I said out loud, my voice filled with frustration.

Despite all my power and status, I was still at the mercy of memories of a woman who probably doesn't even know me.

Or does she?

I don't know!

"Damn it," I cursed, throwing off the messy sheets.

I stomped into the bathroom, hoping my morning routine would distract me from the storm of longing threatening to overwhelm me.

As the hot shower water poured over my body, I found myself lost in memories once again.

"Aanshi," I whispered, closing my eyes as I remembered the first time I saw her.

She was just a baby then, a tiny bundle wrapped in soft blankets at her naming ceremony.

But the moment our eyes met, it was like the entire universe stopped.

Every cosmic force seemed to bend toward that single moment of connection.

"It was like nothing I'd ever felt before," I said to myself, letting the water run down my face.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I caught sight of my reflection in the steam-covered mirror.

I wiped away the condensation, revealing my stoic face, chiseled jawline, and dark, intense eyes.

"Does she sense it?" I asked my reflection.

"Does she feel that there's someone who's mad after her? Someone who can go to any length for her?"

A small, rueful smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"One day, my love," I murmured,

For a moment, I thought I saw my eyes blaze with an otherworldly light, but I blinked, and it was gone.

Shaking my head, I turned away from the mirror and began to dress.

As I buttoned up my crisp white shirt, my thoughts drifted back to Aanshi.

I finished dressing and took a deep breath, steeling myself for the day ahead.

Even if Aanshi couldn't yet perceive the deeper connection between us, I would remain by her side, loving her as I had for longer than she could imagine.

As I left my room and headed downstairs, I could hear the hustle and bustle of the household staff preparing for the day.

My personal assistant, Vikram, was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning, sir," he said, handing me a tablet.

"Here's your schedule for today."

I nodded, taking the device.

"Hmmm. Any urgent matters I should be aware of?"

Vikram shook his head making me nod.

As I entered the dining room, the usual morning chatter fell silent.

My cousins, Adheer, Advik and Akansha, who were normally talkative, sat quietly, exchanging worried glances.

My parents, uncle, and aunt were already seated at the table, their faces grave.

I touched their feet respectfully, seeking their blessings as was our custom.

"Good morning, everyone," I said, trying to keep my tone light as I took my seat.

Maa gave me a tight smile.

"Good morning, beta. Did you sleep well?"

I could sense the tension in her voice.

"Well enough," I replied cautiously.

"Is everything alright? You all seem... on edge."

Dad cleared his throat.

"We'll discuss it after breakfast, son. For now, let's eat."

The meal proceeded in an uncomfortable silence, broken only by the clink of cutlery against plates.

I could feel eyes on me, darting away whenever I looked up. Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, I put down my fork.

"Alright," I said firmly.

"What's going on? Clearly, there's something you all want to discuss. Let's have it out now."

Maa exchanged a look with my dad before turning to me.

"Is there something you all wish to discuss?"

Maa cleared her throat nervously. I turned my attention to her.

"It's nothing, beta. Just focus on finishing your breakfast," she said in a tense voice.

I nodded and tried to finish eating quickly so I could leave for the office.

After I finished, I dabbed my mouth and stood up, ready to go to Oberoi's Multinational Company that my father started.

The company takes a lot of work to keep growing into new areas worldwide.

Fortunately, our efforts have paid off with branches globally now.ย 

"Ansh..." My mother's voice stopped me as I was leaving.

I turned back towards her, sensing they were finally ready to talk about whatever was going on.

"Yes, Maa?" I replied, curious about what she wanted to say.

"Can you come home quickly today?" she requested nervously, fidgeting with her hands ,a clear sign she was anxious.ย 

I could feel the tension in the air.

Why would she be so nervous just to ask me to come home soon?

I suspiciously looked around at the rest of my family. They watched me expectantly, but avoided making eye contact when I glanced their way.

I sighed in resignation and slowly nodded yes to my mother's request.

They all visibly relaxed and smiled in relief, like a weight was lifted.

Something was definitely going on that they were hiding from me.

Frustration built up inside as I crossed my arms and adopted a cold demeanor.

"What's going on here?" I demanded sternly.

My cousins trembled and the elders swallowed hard nervously at my harsh tone.

Am I truly that intimidating to my own family?

The answer was a absolutely no, considering they often make fun of me.

It was clear that they were up to something, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their theatrical behavior.

"Nothing, Ansh. You need to go now. It's getting late for your work. Just remember to come back early today. We'll talk in the evening," Mom said, gently pushing me out of the big house in a way she didn't usually act.

While others didn't dare talk to me when I was angry, Mom seemed to have a special power over me.

Shaking my head at her odd behavior, I walked to my fancy black car.

The driver bowed and opened the door for me.

"Sir," he said as I got in the car.

He quickly joined me, and soon we were driving fast to my office building, with the sun shining brightly on its glass walls.

When I got there, the staff greeted me, and I nodded at them before going straight to my office.

Sitting down in my chair, I started working on a lot of things, going to meetings, signing papers, and doing tasks one by one.

After a while, the stress from all the work gave me a bad headache.

At exactly 5 in the evening, my phone rang, showing Mom's name on the screen. I answered right away.

"Yes, Mom?" I asked.

"Ansh, you promised to come home early today?" she asked right away, not wasting time with small talk.

I liked that she got to the point, realizing I had completely forgotten about it.

Rubbing my nose, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I forgot. I'll leave now," I said, already walking out of my office.

"It's okay, son. I know you're busy. That's why I called to remind you," she said kindly, making me smile.

"I'll be there soon, Mom. Please make my coffee. I really need it," I said quickly before ending the call.

Leaving my office with a bad headache, I got into my car, with two other cars full of guards following me.

Soon, we got back to the big house, where I found my whole family in the living room with another family.

A man about 40, a woman almost 40, and a young woman in her 20s who was blushing too much as she looked at me.

I didn't like her fake show of liking me and her face with too much makeup, which only made my headache worse.

"Ansh, you're finally here," my mother said.

I gave a small smile and nodded as I sat down.

My mother gave me the coffee I needed, which I drank quickly, not feeling like welcoming the new people to our home - something I had never done before.

"Ansh!" My mother's nervous voice got my attention.

"These are your father's old friend, Raghav Jindal, his wife Meera Jindal, and their daughter, Nisha," she told me about them.

I looked at them quickly before going back to drinking my coffee, not showing much interest.

"So..." I said.

"Actually, we are thinking about a marriage match with them," my aunt said nervously.

"But don't you think Adheer is too young to get married? He's still basically a kid," I said, still looking at my coffee cup.

"The match is not for Adheer," my aunt said, sounding unsure.

"If not for him, then for who?" I asked, looking at her sharply.

"For yo..." My aunt stopped talking as I stared at her. I didn't want to talk about this with my mother, but the idea of arranging a marriage for me with anyone except Viaanshi was crazy.

Putting my cup down, I looked at Nisha, who gave me a flirty smile and batted her fake eyelashes at me.

"Hi, Ansh!" she said, using my name too casually.

I raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit annoyed. Looking back at my family, who sat stiffly on the edge of the couch, I spoke calmly but firmly.

"I will decide when and who I marry... not anyone else!" I said, making each word clear.

Then, I stood up and walked away, leaving them to figure out how to get rid of the Jindals.

I had barely reached the stairs when I heard my name called again, this time by that annoying person. I stopped but didn't turn to look at her.

What was her name again?

I had already forgotten.


"Ansh!" She got in front of me, standing in my way with a fake smile.

"I know we haven't really met, but we could spend some time together and get to know each other. I'm sure you won't be able to resist making me yours after that," she said in a flirty way, making the big mistake of leaning in and putting her dirty hand on my chest.

I glared at her so hard it could have frozen fire, my teeth clenched in anger.

I had put up with her only because she was Akansha's friend, but not anymore. Without hesitating, I yelled,

"Out!" She looked like she wanted to argue, but my intense glare shut her up.

Ignoring the noise, I went to Oscar, my pet dog, planning to take him for a walk and get some fresh air.

After walking for half an hour, I found myself driving with Oscar asleep in the passenger seat. I laughed softly at his peaceful sleep and focused on the road ahead.

Suddenly, a girl appeared in front of the car and sat on the road, staring at my car. I hit the brakes hard, feeling relieved as the car stopped just inches away from her.

Today really seemed to be testing my patience, first my workers, then my family, and now this girl.

Determined to find out what was going on, I got out of the car and walked towards her. The girl stayed sitting, covering her ears with her hands, shaking visibly.

She wore a white dress, her long curly hair hiding her face as she looked down. Sitting down in front of her, I gently moved her hair aside, showing her face.

My blood boiled when I saw her, but I took a deep breath to calm myself and glared at the bodyguards who were around her.


Hellooo ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hope you all are fine.โœจ

Here is the next chapter.
Hope you all would like it.
Please let me know what
you think through your

Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Love you allโคโค

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