
Third person's Pov:-

As a girl and boy slept soundly, the girl snuggled against the boy's back, two other boys snuck in, shaking their heads at what they saw. Suddenly, a voice startled them.

"What are you both doing here so early, sneaking around like thieves?"

"Aksh bro, you scared us badly! Can't you be a bit nicer, instead of being so rude?" one of the boys complained, his lips sticking out.

The speaker was Ekaansh Raichand, with Avyaan and Ayaan Raichand. The sleeping pair were Viaanshi and Siddharth, who were catching up on sleep after watching a movie late.

"Don't make that face, you fool. You look like a monkey. Learn from Avyaan; he's so calm and grown-up, and you..." Ekaansh's scolding was cut short as Siddharth woke up and stretched his arms.

"It's early morning, bro, and you've already ruined my sleep," Siddharth grumbled, his dramatic tone making the others look at him in disbelief. They shook their heads at his silly behavior.

Ekaansh moved to the other side of the bed, followed by his brothers, and sat on the floor next to Viaanshi. Gently, he ran his fingers through her hair, making his siblings smile as they formed a circle behind him. With a soft touch, Ekaansh spoke to her quietly.

"Wake up, princess. We have to go today, remember?"

When she heard his words, she slowly opened her eyes, showing a bright smile that always melted her brothers' hearts.

"Don't give us that look, sweetie. Just go and get ready, we have to leave in two hours," Avyaan said, trying to sound strict but failing as she laughed, though she nodded to agree.

She hugged them all tightly, and one by one, they kissed her forehead, each with a smile. Then, with a playful shake of their heads, she ran off to the bathroom, making Ayaan shout after her.

Ekaansh turned to Siddharth, telling him,

"Come on, let's get ready. We don't want to be late."

Siddharth grinned, saying back,

"Why hurry? We're flying in private planes. Admit it, you're just jealous because it was my turn to spend extra time with the princess."

When his brothers glared at him sharply, Siddharth quickly ran away, making them all chase after him.

Meanwhile in the bathroom:-

Viaanshi stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself and thinking deeply.

Many thoughts were in her mind, each one wanting attention. She looked closely at her face, trying to find answers in her own reflection.

As she looked at herself, memories came back to her, each one a part of her life story.

The things that happened in the past few days played in her mind, each moment important in its own way.

Lost in her thoughts, she thought about the choices she had to make, thinking carefully about what might happen. She felt unsure, which made her feel less strong.

The mirror showed not just how she looked, but also how strong she was inside, showing how tough she was when things were hard.

Viaanshi's Pov:-

As I look at myself in the mirror, memories from the past keep coming back.

Today, we're going back to that place after waiting for ten years. Papa and Mimmi won't come until tomorrow because they're still on their trip.

My brothers have been running the business for two years now, and it's doing really well.

As for me, I've finished my MBA and started my own business, but only my brothers, Dada, Papa, and Mimmi know about it.

Even Mrs. Raichand doesn't know. I've only been doing it for six months, but it reminds me of both good and bad things from that place.

Part of me wants to go there, but another part doesn't. When I first came here, I had a lot of bad dreams, but I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to worry them.

But one day Ekaansh Bhaiyu saw that I was upset, and since then, my brothers took turns sleeping with me to make me feel better. Dada used to visit on weekends, and those times were fun and happy.

But I'm worried about going back there and maybe being embarrassed. With a sigh, I got ready and put on a black sleeveless dress, which was good for the hot weather, and a small necklace.

When I went into the room where my brothers were, I found them talking seriously, except for Siddharth bhai, who was busy eating his chips.

But as soon as they heard me coming, they all looked at me and their serious faces turned into big smiles, which they only do for me.

Even though they scare other people, nobody dares to talk when they're around, including Siddharth Brother.


"Let's go if you're ready," Ekaansh bhaiyu said when he saw me, and I nodded.

After five hours:-

Third Person's Pov

At the main entrance of the big house, the guard opened the gate, but everyone was looking at Viaanshi, confused because she looked very different after so many years. She felt uncomfortable and held Ekaansh's hand tightly for support.

Seeing she was upset, the brothers gave sharp looks to the people staring, telling them to leave.

As they went inside, Viaanshi's heart beat fast, remembering many things with each step.

She felt so overwhelmed that she held onto Avyaan, shaking and sweating a lot until she finally fainted in his arms.

Everyone panicked, but just then, the door opened and Anamika came in.

Anamika's eyes filled with tears when she saw them all. She was about to hug them, but Avyaan quickly said,

"Please move aside, Badi maa," he asked urgently.

Anamika looked at Viaanshi, thinking she was Avyaan's girlfriend because she hadn't seen Viaanshi even once in years.

As Avyaan went inside, followed by the others, Ayaan suddenly shouted, asking for a doctor right away.

Siddharth quickly got a glass of water, giving it to Ekaansh, who was holding Viaanshi's hand very tightly, as if he was afraid she would disappear if he let go.

As all this was happening, Tanya's voice was heard in surprise.

"What's going on??"

But no one paid attention to her. Instead, Tanya looked at Viaanshi. Her head was on Avyaan's lap while Ekaansh held one hand tightly and Ayaan held the other.

Siddharth gently touched her cheeks, trying to wake her up. Her brothers were all around her, clearly very worried.

Tanya went to Anamika curiously.

"Mom, who is she? Is she their friend or girlfriend?"

Anamika kept looking at the unconscious Viaanshi.

"I'm not sure, dear. But just look how pretty she is, like a little doll. I'd be happy to have her in this house."

Tanya felt hurt by her mother's words.

"What do you mean, Mom? Am I not pretty?"

"No no, I didn't mean that..." Anamika tried to explain, but Vivaan's voice interrupted them.

"What happened here? Why is everyone..." Vivaan stopped talking when he saw Viaanshi lying there.

He got very scared. He ran over and knelt beside her, gently patting her cheeks.

"Wake up, princess! Wake up! What happened to her?" He looked around, very worried.

"You were all here, right? What happened? Tell me, now!"

His voice was full of worry and fear. Seeing his dear daughter unconscious scared him a lot.

The brothers looked at each other, worried and not sure what to say. Ekaansh spoke up nervously.

"We...we just got here, Papa. As soon as we came inside, she suddenly fainted into Avyaan's arms."

Vivaan shook his head, not believing it.

"No, no there must be more to it. My princess is strong, she doesn't just faint!"

Tears came to his eyes as he gently touched Viaanshi's face.

"Please wake up, dear. Papa is here."

Avyaan said

"When we were at the gate, she suddenly fainted and was sweating a lot." None of them knew about Viaanshi's past problems.

Yuvaansh spoke up, saying they brought Viaanshi along because she missed them a lot, and they didn't want her to be angry at Anamika when she was so young.

Anamika felt sad seeing her daughter after so many years, while Tanya's eyes got big as she realized what was happening.

She couldn't stand the thought of Viaanshi getting all the love and attention, leaving her out. She decided she wouldn't let that happen, just like years ago.

While they were all worried, a doctor came to check on Viaanshi.

"There's nothing to worry about, Mr. Raichand," the doctor told them.

"She probably fainted because of traveling. I've given her a shot, and she should wake up soon. Let her rest for a while."

They nodded, feeling better as Ekaansh gently picked up Viaanshi, carrying her to her room, with the rest of the brothers and Vivaan following closely. Gently, Ekaansh put her on her bed, kissed her forehead softly, and whispered,

"Wake up soon, little one!"

After that, they went to the hall to meet Anamika and Tanya. Even though they didn't like Tanya's attitude, they stayed quiet because Viaanshi wanted them to.

Ekaansh went to Anamika first, respectfully touching her feet for blessings, followed by the others. Feeling emotional, Anamika hugged Ekaansh tightly, crying.

Ekaansh smiled warmly, hugging her back, before Anamika hugged each of them, smiling.

Tanya came from behind, saying,

"Group hug without me. That's not fair, bro," before joining the hug. But inside, she thought,

"I'll take everyone away from you, Viaanshi. Just wait and see."


In the cozy living room of the Raichand house, the family was sitting together, drinking tea and coffee and talking happily, looking like a perfect family.

But Viaanshi wasn't there, she was resting in her room until something woke her up.

Coming out of her room to join Vivaan in the living room, Viaanshi hurried down the stairs, so excited that she didn't see the water on the floor. With a scared cry, she slipped, her foot landing on the wet step.

"Ahaaaaa!" she screamed in fear, her voice echoing through the house.

In a second, Ekaansh, who was nearby, acted quickly, grabbing Viaanshi and stopping her from falling down the stairs.

Everyone went quiet, their hearts beating fast with fear for Viaanshi's safety, except for Tanya, who had told a servant to spill the water.

But it was Vivaan whose heart almost stopped as he watched his dear princess almost fall.

Running to her, he hugged her tightly, his eyes full of tears just thinking about what could have happened if Ekaansh hadn't caught her in time.

He held her even tighter, crying like a scared child. Everyone gathered around them, her brothers wanting to hug Viaanshi too, but Vivaan wouldn't let her go, he was too scared.

"Dada, I'm okay. Look at me, nothing happened," Viaanshi said, trying to get out of his hug, but Vivaan wouldn't let go.

Viaanshi turned to Siddharth, who hugged her tightly before letting her go gently.

"Be careful when you walk, princess. What if Ekaansh brother wasn't there in time? Please, take care of yourself," Siddharth said, touching Viaanshi's cheek gently.

"I will, bhaiyu, I promise," Viaanshi said, smiling back at Siddharth.

"Be more responsible, Viaanshi. You're not a little kid anymore. You've grown up; try to act more grown-up. Be more like Tanya," Anamika said, her words sounding mean as she looked at Viaanshi.

Viaanshi bit her lip, trying not to cry, while Vivaan pulled her closer, giving Anamika an angry look.

"She's still our little girl," all the brothers said at the same time, making Anamika look angry.

"Parents always see their children as kids, Anamika," Vivaan added, looking straight at her with sharp eyes.

Feeling the tension, Viaanshi said,

"Dada, I'm hungry. Let's eat quickly, and then I have to go somewhere."

Ayaan was about to speak when Viaanshi gave him a look and silently mouthed,

"Check the group." He looked at his phone and found a message from Viaanshi:

He looked at his phone and saw a message from Viaanshi.

"I need to go look at the building's sights," Viaanshi said, and they all nodded to agree.

Ayaan offered to go with her, but Viaanshi said no, saying it was close by, and her bodyguards would be with her.

Everyone understood and nodded, and they all had breakfast. After eating, Viaanshi said goodbye to everyone and left to go sightseeing.

Sitting in the back of the car, Viaanshi looked at the familiar sights, each one bringing back memories of her twelve years spent in the area.

Childhood memories came back, making her smile a little.

Suddenly, she saw a cat running across the road with a car speeding towards it. Acting quickly, Viaanshi shouted,


She jumped out of the car and picked up the cat just in time, saving it from getting hurt.

As the car raced past, she held the cat close, her heart beating fast with fear as she closed her eyes tight.

Viaanshi's Pov:-

Shaking with fear, I slowly opened my eyes after what felt like forever of quiet. Surprised, I turned to see a very handsome man standing behind me, looking so good it was amazing.

Right away, I thought he looked like a Greek God; he was that handsome.

He looked right at me with intense eyes, making me speechless as I admired his handsome face those piercing eyes, that sharp nose, and those tempting lips.

I was so lost looking at how good-looking he was, I didn't realize I had been staring until his lips curled into a smirk, making me feel very embarrassed.

I scolded myself in my head for acting so silly, telling myself off for staring at him like some kind of weirdo. Pulling myself together, I gave him an angry look, trying to act normal again.

"Excuse me!" I pretended not to know what was going on, hoping to brush off the awkward moment.

His smirk got bigger, turning into a small, barely noticeable smile. But even that small gesture made him look totally captivating.

What's wrong with me?

"Can I ask what you were thinking, running in front of my car? It's dangerous," he asked, his voice sounding a bit dangerous, which made me shiver.

"Umm... This cat was about to run under your car. That's why I rushed to save her. I'm sorry," I said softly, holding up the cat for him to see. But he stayed quiet, just looking at me, which made me feel uncomfortable.

Shreyansh's Pov:-

I couldn't believe she was standing right in front of me after all these years. She looked even more beautiful than in her pictures; she looked like a queen.

Well, to me, she is my queen.

These past years without her had been very hard. But now that she's here, I won't let her go away again.

I'll make her fall in love with me, and then we'll get married, and eventually, we'll have children together.

Wait, Shreyansh!


She doesn't even know you, and you're already planning a family?

First, I need to impress her and win her heart.

Yes, that's what I need to do first.

I was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of someone clearing their throat. I realized I had been staring.


Hellooo ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hope you all are fine.โœจ

Here is the next chapter.
Hope you all would like it.
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Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

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