Childhood crush

Shreyansh's Pov:-

I stood there, looking at her. I suddenly understood what happened. I turned to her guard and spoke in a low, angry voice.

"What were you doing when she got under my car? What if she got hurt?"

But before things got worse, she spoke up, making things calmer.

"Hey, why are you scaring them, Mr. Stranger? It's not their fault. It's my fault. Don't blame them. Okay?"

She tried to sound strict, but she looked cute. I couldn't help but smile a little.

I looked at her one last time, got in my car, and drove home. It was really the best day ever.

Viaanshi's Pov:-

I stood still, watching where he went. I felt strange. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember why. I stopped thinking about it, went to my car, and drove away.

Later at Dinner Time:

I got out of the car and went into the big house. When I came in, I saw Tanya giving me mean looks.

I didn't know why. I ignored her and went to my room. I took a nice shower and put on my night clothes.

After a while, Ayaan brother came into the room and picked me up like a bride. I yelled in surprise.

"Bhaiyu, what are you doing? Put me down!" I said.

"Don't worry, little one. Just enjoy. I'm taking you to dinner. You haven't eaten all day. Let's go," he said with a smile.

"Okay, fine," I said, sounding bored.

We got to the dining room, and brother put me in a chair. Dada joined us, sitting at the head of the table. Avyaan brother sat on his left, and Ekansh bhai on his right.

I sat next to Ekansh bhai, with Siddharth bhai on my other side. Ayaan bhai sat across from him. Tanya sat between Avyaan and Ayaan brother, and Mrs. Raichand sat across from grandpa.

Mrs. Raichand and Tanya kept looking at me meanly. I felt uncomfortable and moved closer to Ekansh bhaiyu. He whispered,

"Feeling sleepy, princess? Let's eat dinner fast, then we can rest."

I nodded, but before I could say anything, Mrs. Raichand said,

"What do you mean, son? Are you going to sleep with her tonight?"

"Yes, mom. It's my turn to sleep with her tonight," brother said calmly.

Mrs. Raichand looked confused, so he explained,

"We take turns sleeping with her every other night so she doesn't feel alone or scared. She doesn't like sleeping alone, Mom."

"But she's not a baby who needs to sleep with someone. She's old enough to sleep alone. I thought we were all going to have some quiet time without any problems."

When she said this, everyone got angry. I almost cried, but I wiped my eye fast so no one would see. Then Siddharth bhai said,

"That's enough, badi maa. What do you mean by 'problem'? Are you saying Vishu is a problem for you?"

Before she could answer, dada spoke up to stop the fight, saying,

"Let's eat dinner before it gets cold."

They all nodded, but they didn't really agree. We started eating, but when I took my first bite, my mouth burned. It was too spicy. I started crying and coughing a lot.

Ekansh bhaiyu rubbed my back while Siddharth bhai gave me some orange juice. I tried to hold the glass, but my hands were shaking, and I dropped it. The glass broke. Mrs. Raichand yelled,

"What's going on here?"

Ayaan bhai didn't listen to Mrs. Raichand. He put some dark chocolate in my mouth. It melted and made me feel better.

Avyaan bhai gave me more juice, which helped more. I finally felt better and hugged Ekansh bhaiyu tight.

I didn't want to eat dinner anymore. I just wanted to sleep. Tanya was smiling meanly, but I didn't care.

"James," Mrs. Raichand said rudely,

"clean the dining table. It's very messy."

Ekansh brother picked me up gently and put me on a sofa in the living room.

Dada came over and wiped my face with a wet tissue. He kissed my forehead softly.

"What do you want to eat, princess? I'll make it for you. Just tell me," Ekansh bhaiyu said, and everyone agreed.

"I don't want anything now. I just want to sleep. You all eat your dinner. I'm going to bed," I said, and went to my room without listening to anyone.

I went to my balcony and looked at the moon behind the clouds. It was pretty.

Someone knocked on my door while I was thinking. It was dada and all my brothers with dinner. I smiled as they came in and sat at the small table in my room.

"Noodles! Look, your favorite," Bhai said, giving me the food.

I smiled and started eating. I was very hungry because I didn't eat lunch. They all laughed while I ate. Siddharth bhai said,

"I'm not hungry," and everyone laughed a lot. After we ate, we all went to sleep.

The Next day

As we sat in the Oberois' cozy living room, everyone felt warm and welcome. The Oberois had invited us for dinner yesterday, and now we were here.

My dada and his old friend, Mr. Oberoi, were clearly close. You could see it in how they acted and in their successful business together.

Tanya always looked great, even at simple get-togethers like this. Her clothes were fancy and caught everyone's eye.

I chose to wear something simpler a plain black dress that fit the mood of the evening.

I thought about Shreyansh Oberoi. I knew his name well he was my childhood crush.

Shreyansh, my brother's best friend and Adhiraj uncle and Anaya aunt's only son, lived in the UK when I was here before.

Even though they were far apart, they talked on the phone every day.

When I left, I felt sad and kept to myself. But even then, I still thought about Shreyansh.

At first, it was just a silly kid's crush, but slowly, without me noticing, he became important to me.

As we waited for him to arrive, I wondered how much he had changed since I last saw him.

Would he still be sweet like before?

Or had time made him different?

Third Person's Pov:

When Viaanshi was little, she had a sweet crush on Shreyansh Oberoi.

She remembered the first time she saw him, laughing as he played with her brother. From then on, she thought about Shreyansh all the time.

She would daydream about him, imagining them having adventures or just sitting and talking like good friends.

Every time he visited, she got excited and loved every moment they spent together.

Viaanshi would look at Shreyansh when he wasn't watching, admiring his smile and his playful eyes.

She would think about their talks over and over, trying to find hidden meanings in what he said or did.

Her crush on Shreyansh was innocent and pure, a happy memory from when she was young.

Even as she grew up, thinking about her first crush would make her smile, reminding her of how sweet it is to be young.


(When Viaanshi was ten years old)

Viaanshi sat on her bed with her stuffed animals around her, lost in her own world. She was ten, still innocent but curious, and thought the world was full of possibilities.

It was a warm summer evening, with the sun going down and making the sky orange and pink.

A soft breeze came through the open window, bringing the sound of her brothers laughing outside.

One of those laughing was Shreyansh Oberoi, a boy two years older than Viaanshi.

She had liked him since they first met. He was her brother's best friend and was always around. Each day, he became more than just a friend to her.

Viaanshi remembered when she first saw Shreyansh. His smile lit up the room as he came into their house, laughing and full of energy.

From that moment, Viaanshi felt drawn to him, her heart beating faster when he was near.

As she thought about those early days, Viaanshi smiled at the memories. She remembered all the time they spent playing games, sharing secrets, and laughing until their sides hurt.

But it wasn't just Shreyansh's fun personality or his laugh that Viaanshi liked. It was how he looked at her, like she was very special.

It was how he listened to her, as if everything she said was important. It was how he made her feel, like she could do anything if he was with her.

As time passed, Viaanshi liked Shreyansh more and more. She would look at him when he wasn't watching, admiring his playful eyes and bright smile.

Currently they sat under the stars, Viaanshi realized how much she really liked Shreyansh. They were just talking and watching the stars twinkle.

As Viaanshi looked into Shreyansh's eyes, she felt something new in her heart. It was a feeling she couldn't explain, like butterflies in her stomach and her heart racing.

At that moment, under the beautiful night sky and next to Shreyansh, Viaanshi knew she had fallen in love. It was the innocent, pure love of a child, not complicated like adult love.

So, as the stars shone above them and the night went on, Viaanshi enjoyed her new feelings.

She cherished every moment with Shreyansh and hoped that maybe he felt the same way about her.


Hellooo ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hope you all are fine.โœจ

Here is the next chapter.
Hope you all would like it.
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Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Love you allโคโค

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