Reflections of Love

Viaanshi's Pov:-

"Viaanshi, Viaanshi,"

someone called, breaking my trance. I looked up to see everyone sitting around me.

Feeling shy, I quickly looked away, wondering what they thought of me. I saw all the older people were already in their seats.

Their children, like my brothers, were still at work. Tanya and Mrs. Raichand looked very unhappy, giving me mean looks. As I looked around, Anaya aunt caught my eye, asking,

"How are you, dear?" With a small smile, I said,

"I'm good, Aunt. How about you?" She smiled warmly, saying,

"Very good after seeing you."

I smiled back, and she suddenly moved to sit next to me. Surprised, I looked at her, and she said,

"I remember holding you when you were just a baby. Now you look like a fairy princess." My face turned red because I felt shy.

Tanya's hard stare made me feel uncomfortable, but I tried to focus on Anaya aunt instead.

After a while, I found myself feeling more relaxed, forgetting for a moment about the mean looks from Tanya and Mrs. Raichand.

Having Anaya aunt next to me seemed to protect me from the others' judging looks.

Her real love and kind words wrapped around me like a safe blanket, making me feel better.

Suddenly the house helper came with a tray of snacks and drinks. I happily reached out to take one, my mouth watering thinking about the yummy treats.

But just as I stretched out my hand, something bumped the tray, and the glass slipped off, spilling all over me.

As the drink soaked my dress, staining it and making me feel very embarrassed. I could feel everyone in the room looking at me, their faces showing shock and confusion.

Tanya was smirking, and Mrs. Raichand's disapproving frown only made me feel worse.

Third person's Pov:-

"Oh no, Viaanshi! Let me help you," Adheer, Shreyansh's cousin who just arrived, said loudly, sounding worried as he hurried to her side.

Viaanshi looked at him, confused, her eyebrows scrunching up as she realized she didn't know who he was.

Seeing her puzzled face, he quickly told her who he was.

"I'm Adheer Oberoi, son of Akshara and Abhiraj Oberoi," he said, pointing towards his parents.

With a nod and a smile, Viaanshi replied,

"Nice to meet you, Adheer. I'm Viaanshi Raichand."

Adheer looked at her stained dress, his face showing he felt sorry for her.

"I can see your dress is completely ruined. You should clean it up quickly."

Viaanshi looked down at her dress, sighing as she saw how bad it was.

"It's okay, Adheer. I'll just go clean up," Viaanshi said, trying to hide how upset she felt.

With a kind smile, Adheer offered his arm.

"Come, I'll show you where the bathroom is."

Thankfully, Viaanshi linked her arm with his as they walked through the crowd.

But just as they got to the stairs, Adheer's phone rang, stopping them.

"Sorry, Viaanshi. I need to answer this call. Go to the bathroom on the second floor, first one on the left. I'll come find you soon," Adheer said, sounding sorry, already talking on his phone.

Now alone, Viaanshi went up the stairs, her heart beating fast because she was nervous. She found herself in a dark hallway, with soft light from fancy lamps making shadows on the pretty wallpaper.

Following Adheer's directions, she went to the first bathroom on the left.

As she went into the fancy bathroom, Viaanshi couldn't help but stare at how nice it was.

The counters were made of shiny marble, and there was a big, fancy mirror on the wall.

She quickly started trying to clean the stain on her dress with a wet cloth.

But as she scrubbed the stubborn mark, she started to feel scared. The quiet hallway seemed to close in on her, and she felt like someone was watching her.

Just as she was about to give up and go back to the hall, a soft voice broke the silence.

"Need any help?"

Surprised, Viaanshi turned to see the same man she accidentally met yesterday, standing in the doorway, looking worried.

Viaanshi looked at him, amazed by how handsome he looked in his nice work clothes, looking very fancy.

Viaanshi looked at Shreyansh, noticing every detail with interest and curiosity. His dark, well-fitted suit looked perfect on him, showing off his wide shoulders and slim waist.

A clean white shirt showed under his jacket, with a nice tie tied perfectly.

His hair was neatly done, but a little messy in a cool way. She could smell a nice cologne, a mix of manly smells that made her want to get closer.

But it wasn't just how he looked that caught her attention; it was how he stood with easy confidence, looking sure of himself.

There was something special about him, a charm that made people want to look at him without him even trying.

As Viaanshi stood there, surprised by Shreyansh being there, she felt excited but also a little scared.

It was like she had found a puzzle waiting to be solved, and she was excited to see what would happen.

Suddenly, she remembered what happened yesterday, and she got angry.

"You!What are you doing here? Who let you in? And who are you, mister?" Viaanshi said angrily, sounding frustrated.

Shreyansh walked slowly towards her and put his finger on her lips, his blue eyes making her feel like she couldn't look away.

"Shhh!" he whispered softly, looking at her in a way that made her forget to breathe.

As Shreyansh put a finger on Viaanshi's lips, she wasn't angry anymore, but confused and strangely drawn to his blue eyes. She couldn't speak, amazed by how he looked at her

"Just be quiet," Shreyansh whispered, his voice soft but strong, making her shiver.

Viaanshi's heart beat fast as she tried to understand what was happening.

Who was this mysterious man, and why did he make her feel so many things?

Before she could do anything, Shreyansh quickly pushed her against the wall nearby, holding her hands firmly but not hurting her.

"Quiet," he said softly.

"Think of it as me asking, not telling you."

Viaanshi was very surprised by what he did. She didn't understand why her body reacted to his touch in such a strange way.

Instead of feeling disgusted, she felt weirdly attracted to him, like a magnet pulling her closer.

Shreyansh looked at how she looked. She wore a simple black dress with not much jewelry or makeup, but she looked very pretty, like her beauty came from inside her.

As Shreyansh looked at Viaanshi, he couldn't help but feel amazed by her.

Her eyes looked a bit angry, but also like she could be easily hurt, like something precious that needed to be protected.

Feeling bad for being so sudden, Shreyansh let go of her hands and stepped back, giving Viaanshi some space

"I'm sorry for what I did," he said, his voice softer now. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Viaanshi took a moment to calm down, still trying to understand all the feelings inside her.

"It's... it's okay," she managed to say, her voice a little shaky, showing how confused she felt.

They were quiet for a bit, feeling tense and unsure. Shreyansh spoke first, looking honest and kind.

"Come," he called her over, gently taking her hands as they stood in front of the mirror. Very carefully, he started to clean her dress, while Viaanshi watched him, feeling very fond of him.

As Viaanshi stood in front of the mirror, her heart beat fast with excitement. She watched as he gently held her hands, his touch making her feel tingly.

The mirror showed them close together, looking very sweet and making her feel breathless.

With each gentle touch, he cleaned her dress, moving very carefully.

Viaanshi couldn't stop looking at him, staring at his pretty eyes in the mirror. Right then, it felt like time stopped, like the whole world was holding its breath, enjoying how beautiful their connection was.

As he finished cleaning her dress, he looked up at her with a soft smile, his eyes full of love he didn't say out loud.

Viaanshi's heart felt so full of feelings, amazed by how much they cared for each other. In that simple act of cleaning her dress, she felt more loved than she ever had before.

Quietly, they stood together, lost in each other's eyes, the mirror showing their love.

And in that reflection, they saw not just themselves, but the promise of a future full of endless moments of love and care.

Suddenly, Viaanshi's phone rang loudly, breaking the magical moment.

Quickly answering, she found Aradhana on the phone, urgently calling her. Viaanshi said okay and started to leave, but Shreyansh grabbed her arm, stopping her.

She turned to look at him, confused by the feelings she saw in his face - like he wanted her to stay and didn't want to let her go.

"I have to go," Viaanshi managed to say, her voice sounding strained because of all the feelings they shared.

Shreyansh let go of her hand, turning away as she looked back one last time before leaving, her heart feeling heavy as she went.

As Viaanshi walked down the stairs, she saw her brothers waiting for her. She felt very excited and ran to hug them tightly, making all of them laugh.

"Dinner's ready, let's go!" Anaya said, sounding warm and welcoming.

Everyone agreed and walked to the dining area. Viaanshi walked with her brothers, laughing and joking, making everything feel familiar and comfortable.

As they went into the dining area, they could smell the yummy food, making them hungry.

Viaanshi's tummy made noises as she sat next to her brothers, excited to eat the delicious meal.

Anaya, being a good host, started putting food on everyone's plates, moving smoothly and confidently.

Soon the table was full of yummy dishes, like tasty curries, good-smelling rice, and crispy bread, all looking very good to eat.

Suddenly, Adhiraj spoke up,

"Where's Ansh?"

"He already ate dinner at the office. He won't be eating with us now. I'll send his coffee with a helper," Anaya replied, sounding normal, and Adhiraj nodded before continuing to eat.

Just hearing Shreyansh's name made Viaanshi's heart beat faster, feeling excited and nervous.

As people started talking about other things, Viaanshi got lost in her thoughts, thinking about Shreyansh.

Even though everyone at the table was happy, she felt a bit sad, missing something she couldn't quite explain

She tried to focus on eating her food, enjoying each bite, but every time someone mentioned Shreyansh, she felt a mix of excited and nervous feelings that were hard to ignore.

"Did you call for me, ma'am?" the house helper's voice made Viaanshi pay attention again.

Anaya nodded at the helper and said,

"Please go to the second floor, ring the bell, and put this coffee on the side for Shreyansh. He can't work without his coffee."

As she spoke, Viaanshi was shocked, suddenly realizing something important. The person she met earlier was actually Shreyansh himself.

She felt very embarrassed as she remembered their earlier meetings, her face turning bright red as she understood who he really was.

Right after dinner finished, Viaanshi quickly went to the car, barely saying goodbye to everyone.

She felt very embarrassed and didn't want to see Shreyansh right then, desperately trying to get away from all the confusing feelings she was having.


Hellooo ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hope you all are fine.โœจ

Here is the next chapter.
Hope you all would like it.
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you think through your comments.

Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Love you allโค

Thank you๐ŸŒน

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