
Viaanshi's Pov:-

We hadn't seen the Oberoi family for a few days. Currently We were all getting ready for uncle Adhiraj and aunt Anaya's party to celebrate their wedding day.

They asked us to come to their house to celebrate. Everyone had to wear black clothes as black is the theme for the party.

I chose to wear a black long skirt with a short top. I wore a diamond necklace and carried a black bag.

When I came downstairs, I saw everyone else was ready. Most of them smiled at me nicely.ย 

But Tanya was looking at me in a mean way for some reason I didn't know. I didn't care and joined the group.

Dada came to me.

"I can't come to the party, sweetheart," he said.

"You all go and have fun. I have to go to an important work event with Anamika. Yuvansh and Aradhana can't come either."

"Okay," I said in a quiet, sad voice.

I was upset because I wanted to celebrate with all my family.

Now, only my bhaiyu Ekaansh, Tanya, and I were going to the party, because my other brothers were away for work.

They all smiled at me to make me feel better. Ekaansh bhai, Tanya, and I got in a car and went to the party at the big Oberoi house.

Even though I didn't tell dada and my dad how I felt, I was very upset with them for missing this important family event.

After driving for about 30 minutes, we got to the fancy Oberoi house. I was amazed by how big and beautiful it was. It was the most amazing house I had ever seen, like a castle.

Ekaansh bahiyu said,

"Tanya and princess, you go inside. I'll come in soon. I have to make an important phone call first."

I didn't care about Tanya being mean to me, so I walked to the entrance alone. I didn't want to fight with her and ruin the evening.

I was thinking about how to avoid everyone who missed the party and get back at them, so I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

Suddenly, I bumped hard into something solid, and my head and nose hit what felt like a wall.

"What's wrong with you?" said a voice I knew.

"It seems like you've made a deal to bump into things. Every time we meet, you manage to hit someone or something. Lucky for you, that someone is always me."

I closed my eyes, waiting to fall, but when I opened them, there he was Shreyansh Oberoi, looking confident as always.

Even though he was scolding me, I couldn't help but smile shyly. I secretly liked that he was paying attention to me, even if he was just telling me off.

"What? I'm scolding you and you're smiling at me," he said, trying to look serious.

I teased him a bit, still smiling.

"Why are you bothering with me so much? It's not like we've known each other for years or anything."

I was surprised that he seemed to care about me being clumsy and that he remembered when we bumped into each other before. I hid my surprise by teasing him.

Just then, his phone started ringing. He looked at the screen quickly.

"Sorry, it's important. I have to answer this call. But we'll talk more later. I finally found you after a long time, and this time, I won't let you go away from me so easily," he said firmly before walking away to take the call in private.

I stood there, very confused, trying to understand what he meant by that last thing he said.

"I won't let you go away from me so easily." His words kept repeating in my mind, like they meant something more that I couldn't figure out.

Maybe I was just thinking too much, and he just said it casually about our arguments.

Shaking my head, I ignored it and walked towards the entrance of the big party room.

When I went in, I was amazed by how fancy it was decorated flowers, candles, crystals, and nice furniture were everywhere.

There was a raised floor at the front where I thought a band or performers would play later.

Round tables with white tablecloths were set up around a big open space that looked like a dance floor.

The tables had fancy decorations in the middle and there were places set for probably a hundred or more people.

The room was already quite full of well-dressed people talking to each other.

Many were drinking fancy drinks and talking in small groups. I saw several important business people and politicians there.

Oh no, the crowd! I've never liked crowds; they make me feel uncomfortable. I didn't think this party would be so big, with so many people.

But then again, it was Anaya aunt's wedding day celebration. She's such a great and loving person that everyone wants to be part of her special day. So, the big crowd couldn't be avoided.


The thought of walking through all these people made me feel scared inside.

The fancy clothes everyone was wearing didn't help at all. Now, I wished I hadn't come inside alone. I should have waited for Brother instead of going in by myself.

"Booh!" Someone shouted close to my ear.

My heart jumped, and my whole body shook. When I moved suddenly, my heels twisted, and I lost my balance.

I felt scared and reached out my hands, trying to grab onto something so I wouldn't fall. Luckily, my hands found something solid, and I held onto it tightly like my life depended on it.

Suddenly, I felt a weird feeling on my waist, like a snake was wrapping around it.

Oh no!

I quickly opened my eyes, still holding onto the thing in front of me. I saw a pair of pretty brown eyes, and I felt like I knew them.

I looked down and saw that my hands were holding onto Shreyansh's suit collar, while his arms were wrapped around my waist.

Everything around me seemed to disappear as I got lost in the moment, feeling like I could stay like this forever.

Getting myself together, Shreyansh helped me stand up straight. After making sure I was okay, he stepped back, and I missed how warm he felt. Something was definitely wrong with me.

Why was I thinking such things?

As he was about to say something, I walked past him to avoid talking more. I saw Tanya, and her hands were in fists. So, I was right; she was the one who tried to make me fall.

I saw bhaiyu coming towards us and smiled, quickly walking towards him.

"Bhai, let's go and wish Uncle and Aunt first," I said.

He nodded and called Tanya to come with us. She came unwillingly, and together we walked to the couple.

As I slowly walked further in while holding onto Bhaiyu's arm, trying not to stare too much, I heard someone calling my name.

It was uncle Adhiraj, looking very fancy in a black long coat with my aunt Anaya next to him. They were both smiling big at me.

"There you are, my dear!" Aunt Anaya said, hugging me tightly.

"Happy anniversary uncle, and aunt" I said and smiled warmly.

"Thank you dear! And You look absolutely beautiful in that outfit. Doesn't she look gorgeous, Adhi?"

Uncle Adhiraj smiled kindly at me.

"Beautiful as always. I'm so happy you could come tonight to celebrate with us."

"Thank you so much for inviting me," I said shyly. "Your house is amazing and the party looks wonderful so far."

"It's our pleasure, princess," uncle said warmly.

They both smiled warmly, and Aunt gave me a loving hug. Feeling her hug, I started to cry a little; it had been so long since someone other than Mimmi had hugged me like a mother.

I quickly wiped away my tears and stepped back from the hug.

After me, bhai and Tanya wished them, but I noticed Tanya was acting strange. She seemed too clingy towards them, and although they looked annoyed, they didn't say anything.

After Ekaansh bhaiyu had to go away to take a call, I felt quite bored and out of place at the big party alone.

I didn't really know anyone here except for a few family members. I didn't feel comfortable trying to talk to the fancy strangers walking around.

I could feel someone looking at me hard, but I didn't want to turn around and look, thinking it was just my imagination.

Suddenly, a big hand grabbed my left hand firmly, pulling me away from my seat.

I hadn't even seen his face yet, but I knew right away it was Shreyansh. There was just something about him that I could recognize without seeing him.

Whenever he was near me, my heart started beating really fast, though I tried to ignore that I felt this way about him.

Shreyansh quickly led me towards the elevator area, not saying anything. As soon as we went into the empty elevator, he turned to face me, using his arms to pin me against the wall with his hands on either side of my head. I was trapped between his body and the wall.

His voice got low and deep as he spoke seriously.

"Don't fight against me princess. You'll only end up getting hurt. Just come with me willingly. I have something important to tell you."

I couldn't help but shake a little as his strong body felt warm and leaned into me. His body was just inches from mine as he basically ordered me to do what he said.

We stood there in the elevator, both of us staring into each other's eyes silently for what felt like forever. The feeling between us was strong and exciting.

Finally, the 'ping' sound showing we had reached our floor thankfully got our attention.

Shreyansh took my hands firmly in his as we left the elevator, leading me down a long hallway.

I couldn't stop myself from looking up to study his handsome face and features up close for the first time.

He had the most beautiful blue eyes, a sharp jawline, and well-shaped cheekbones and nose. His light skin was perfect, like a movie star or model.

I realized I had been staring at him when he smiled a little.

My cheeks immediately got hot as I quickly looked down at the floor, suddenly feeling shy.

I was sure my face must have looked very red at that moment. A low laugh came from Shreyansh's throat at my shy reaction. The sound made me look up at him again.

Keeping his intense eyes on mine, he lifted our still-joined hands up and gently kissed the back of my fingers and knuckles.

I felt my heart skip a beat at the sweet gesture and the exciting feeling of his soft lips touching my skin.

"What is this place?" I asked in a small voice, not sure what he was planning. This definitely didn't seem like the romantic place I was imagining.

"My private floor," he answered simply, moving to stand right in front of me again.

"I wanted to get you alone so we could...talk. Without anyone interrupting us or watching."


Was that really all he wanted to do?

The way he looked at my body made me think he wanted something else.

I bit my lip nervously as he reached out to gently hold my chin, lifting my face up towards his.

"Don't be scared of me, my love," he said in a deep voice. "I'm not going to hurt you...unless you want me to." He gave me a naughty smile.

I felt heat rush through my body at what he was suggesting.

Did he really just say that?

Part of me wanted to be shocked and offended, but the other part of me felt an exciting rush of desire growing inside me.

"You're looking so cute right now, especially your cheeks. Just like a strawberry, which I want to eat desperately," he whispered near my ear, making my cheeks turn red.

I looked away from Shreyansh for a moment to see the fancy surroundings as he led me further down the hallway.

I quickly realized we were in some kind of fancy living area of the big house. Every part of it showed wealth and luxury, making me amazed by how beautiful and elegant it was.

Soft carpets, crystal lights, expensive artwork, and fancy furniture were in every space we passed.

"Do you like it?" Shreyansh whispered in my ear from behind, making me shiver.

I nodded without thinking, completely amazed by the surroundings. We finally got to a certain door that he quickly unlocked and opened for me to go in first.

The huge size and fancy look of the bedroom on the other side made my mouth drop open in shock.

But what really caught my attention and made my heart skip a beat were the many framed photos on the walls and surfaces.

Each one was a picture of me โ€“ some from when I was a teenager, others from more recently in college.

It was a whole collection showing my life, leaving me completely stunned that they were gathered here like this.

I slowly turned in a circle, mouth open, trying to look at every single picture.


The silent question died on my lips when I didn't see Shreyansh in the room with me right away.

A small noise from behind made me turn around quickly. There he was, in the most surprising position I could have ever imagined from a man like him.

Shreyansh Oberoi, the powerful, strong businessman who always seemed so in control...was kneeling down on one knee in front of me.

My eyes got big in shock and confusion.

Why on earth was this man I had argued and fought with for so long now down on his knee like he was going to propose?

My heart beat hard in my chest as I waited for an explanation that I never could have been ready for.

Shreyansh took a deep breath to calm himself before finally lifting his intense blue eyes to meet my confused look.

When he spoke, his voice was full of real emotion and shaking a little bit.

"Aanshi...my love..." he started, never looking away from my eyes.

"For longer than you could ever imagine, you have completely captured my heart, mind, and soul. I am deeply, completely, forever in love with you. And I want, no, I need you forever in my life from now on."

Tears immediately filled my eyes as I listened to his heartfelt words washing over me like a big wave. I could feel the warmth and joy of his words spreading through every part of my body.

"You are the reason behind every smile, every laugh that has come from my lips over the last twenty-two years," he continued, his voice thick with feeling.

"When I didn't even know what love really meant all those years ago when we first met, you were there. Day by day, you showed me what real love looks like. You are the living, breathing example of everything I have ever wanted but never knew I needed."

He stopped for a moment, seeming to try to gather his thoughts and stay calm.

When he continued, his words were spoken slowly and carefully.

"I need you in my life, Aanshi, from this day on until my very last breath. I never could have thought that it was possible to love someone as strongly and completely as I love you. Will you do me the amazing honor of being mine officially? Will you let me make all our dreams of a future together finally come true? I want to spend every single moment I have left on this earth loving your smile, your laugh, your hugs, and making lifetime after lifetime of beautiful memories with you. You are my everything, my whole world. And I cannot...I will not...imagine spending one more day without you by my side if you'll have me."

By this point, I couldn't speak at all because of how deep and strong Shreyansh's words were. Hot tears ran down my cheeks as many feelings disbelief, happiness, joy, and above all, overwhelming love went through me.

Did he really just say that he loves me as much as I've loved him for so many years?

My mind was spinning, unable to fully understand how big his words were and what they meant.

"So...he really does love me?" I whispered in amazement, my voice shaking.

"My Shrey actually loves me as completely as I love him?"

My happiness was bigger than anything in that one moment of understanding. I felt lighter than air but also very grounded by the weight of his love.

"Oh god, this is real!" I said through my tears, putting a hand over my mouth in awe.

"He loves me. It's not just some dream or made-up story anymore. Shreyansh Oberoi is really, completely in love with me."

In a daze, I blurted out,

"Pinch me."

Shreyansh's forehead wrinkled in confusion.


"Please, just pinch me!" I said again urgently.

"I need to know that I'm not dreaming right now and that this is all really happening."

He stood up from his kneeling position and quickly came close to me.

Instead of pinching my arm like I expected, Shreyansh gently took my face in his hands and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

I melted into his touch. Then he hugged me and it felt real. Shreyansh held me tight, pulling me close as we shared a special moment.

When we stopped, I couldn't help but smile big.

I put my head against his and looked into his blue eyes, holding his face gently.

"Yes," I said softly, crying happy tears.

"Yes, Shrey. I'll be yours forever. You've had my heart for so long. You make me happy and warm inside. I want to spend all my time making you as happy as you make me."

He smiled widely, very happy, and hugged me tight. After hugging for a while, he took my hand and put a pretty ring on it. I stared at it, amazed, crying again because it was so nice.

Shreyansh put his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

"You've made me the happiest man ever, my love. I can't wait for our future together."

I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he stroked my hair.

I never thought I'd feel this happy. Being loved by Shreyansh made all the hard times worth it.

Looking up at him again, I said quietly,

"I love you, Shrey. Always and forever."

"And I love you," he said back. "Now and until the very end."

"Now I'm excited to marry you," he said softly, holding me closer.

"Why?" I asked quietly.

"Because I want to be with you every moment for the rest of my life," he answered, looking in my eyes.

"I have many flaws," I said, looking down.

"Who says flaws aren't beautiful? We love the moon even though we only see its bumps," he said, touching my heart. I just hugged him, making him laugh gently.


Hellooo ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hope you all are fine.โœจ

Here is the next chapter.

Hope you all would like it.

Please let me know what do you think through your comments.

Ignore the mistakes. ๐Ÿคญ

Love you allโค

Thank you๐ŸŒน

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A student who loves writing๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽ“