
Viaanshi's Pov:-

Six months had passed since Shrey told me he loved me. Our relationship grew beautifully in that time.

We were always together.

Only my brothers knew about us. We kept it secret from our family for now.

Looking back, one thing was clear. Shrey acted differently with me.

He wasn't tough and guarded like he was with others. Instead, he was kind, caring, and romantic.

He made me feel special and loved, like I was the most important person to him.

I loved that Shrey could cook so well. He cooked for me because he knew I wasn't good at it.

His food was amazing. Whether it was breakfast in bed or dinner under the stars, each meal showed his love.

But it wasn't just his kind acts that made our relationship special.

It was how he really listened to me and understood me without judging.

We shared our hopes, dreams, and fears, making a strong bond.


"Shrey, this pasta is so good!" I said one night at dinner. "How did you learn to cook so well?"

He chuckled softly.

"I can do many things, my love. But really, I just wanted to take care of you."

I held his hand across the table.

"You take care of me just by being you."

He smiled the way I loved, with his eyes crinkling.

"You do the same for me, dear. Being with you makes everything better."

We looked into each other's eyes, not needing words to show how we felt.

Later, cuddling on the couch, I broke the quiet.

"I want to tell my family about us."

Shrey stroked my hair gently.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

I nodded against his chest.

"I'm sure. I don't want to hide how much you mean to me anymore."

He lifted my chin and looked at me closely.

"If that's what you want, I'm with you, no matter what happens."

My heart felt full of love for this amazing man. I knew we could face anything together.

End of Flashback

I decided to tell them today. No matter how they react, I can't hide it anymore. I feel so thankful to have him in my life.

He brought me so much joy and happiness. I knew I was very lucky to have him with me.

Right now, I'm about to have lunch with my grandpa and dad. Mrs. Raichand wants to say something about Tanya, so she asked them to come home from work.

Mimmi is away visiting her parents for a week or two, and my brothers are still at work because it's only lunchtime.

When I got there, everyone was already sitting down, so I quietly sat down too and started eating. Suddenly, Mrs. Raichand cleared her throat and said,

"I have found a possible husband for Tanya." We were all surprised by this sudden news.

Dada was the first to recover from the shock and asked,

"Who is it?" Mrs. Raichand answered,

"Sreyansh Oberoi, the son of your best friend."

"What?!" Dada shouted.

Dada's reaction was even stronger as he almost yelled in surprise.

I sat frozen, looking quickly at Tanya, who pretended to be shy. My heart beat fast, and I couldn't understand what was happening. Mrs. Raichand went on,

"Anaya, Sreyansh's mother, has asked for Tanya to marry him." My throat felt tight, and I started coughing, feeling like the food was stuck.

Dada quickly patted my back and asked when I could breathe again,

"Are you okay?" I nodded without speaking.

"She's having a small party today to announce their engagement," she continued.

My eyes got blurry, feeling overwhelmed. I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up quickly from the table, feeling very sad. I couldn't pretend to be happy when I felt so bad inside.

"I'm done. I'm going to my room now," I said, my voice shaking with feeling.

Without waiting for anyone to say anything, I ran from the dining room, wanting to be alone with my thoughts.

I closed my bedroom door and fell to the floor, crying.

"Why, God? Why is life so unfair to me?" I cried out, feeling betrayed.

"Why can't you see my happiness?" I asked, feeling very sad.

I quickly wiped my tears and grabbed my phone, calling Shrey. But he didn't answer.

Feeling frustrated, I threw the phone on the bed and went to take a shower, letting the water cover the sound of my crying.

"Why?" I screamed in the shower, my tears mixing with the water.

After a while, I got out of the shower, still feeling confused and upset. I put on a simple lehenga, getting ready for the party, even though I didn't understand what was happening.

But I was sure Shrey would never agree to this betrayal.

I came out of my room and saw everyone there, even my brothers. Ayaan bhaiya took my hand firmly and said,

"We are leaving with princess." He led us to the car, where they all looked at me with understanding.

"We know everything, princess. But don't worry, we think it's a misunderstanding. We know Ansh well, and we're sure he doesn't know about this. Let's hurry so you can talk to him and clear things up," they told me, supporting me.

I nodded thankfully and hugged Ayaan bhaiya tightly. As we started driving, I felt better knowing they were on my side.

When we got there, I ran inside quickly. I looked around the crowded place for Shrey. I couldn't find him anywhere. I decided to go to the roof, hoping to talk to him alone.

As I went up to the roof, I heard a loud noise. I looked over the edge.

What I saw was horrible.

Aunt Anaya was lying on the ground. There was blood all around her. Shrey and others were around her. They looked very upset.

Without thinking, I went downstairs to where it happened. My heart was beating fast with fear.

As I got closer, people were crying. Shrey gently picked up Aunt Anaya. He looked serious and determined. He hurried to the waiting car, with others following, looking very sad.

My voice shook as I called out softly behind him,


He looked at me quickly but didn't say anything. He got in the car without a word. His silence hurt more than if he had said something mean.

The pain I felt was very bad. I turned to my brothers, feeling better that they were there. We quietly got in our car and followed the other cars to the hospital.

In the car, my brother Ekansh tried to make me feel better.

"It'll be okay, princess. Don't worry."

But I was very worried. I couldn't stop thinking about Aunt Anaya covered in blood.

"How could this happen? What if..." I couldn't finish what I was saying.

Ekansh bhaiya held my hand.

"Don't think like that. She's strong. We have to think good thoughts."

I nodded but couldn't speak because my throat felt tight. I kept thinking about how Shrey had ignored me. He had never done that before. It hurt my heart very much.

At the hospital, nurses and doctors quickly took Aunt Anaya away on a bed with wheels. We could only watch as they took her away to try and save her life.

Shrey stood apart from us, looking very upset. I wanted to go to him, to comfort him and be comforted. But I remembered how he had ignored me earlier, so I didn't.

Waiting was very hard. No one talked, we were all too scared to speak. All we could do was pray that Aunt Anaya would be okay after this terrible thing that happened.

Several hours passed...

Third Person's Pov:-

The waiting room was very tense as Anaya's operation went on. Adhiraj was crying a lot, and Abhiraj was trying to comfort him.

Akansha was crying openly, while Tanya's attempts to comfort her didn't seem real.

Adheer and Advik, the twins, were sad but quiet, with the Raichand brothers supporting them

Meanwhile, Shreyansh kept looking at the operation room door, not showing how he felt.

Viaanshi stood near him, feeling sad for him. As she moved closer, the doors to the operation room opened, and the doctors came out.

Anxiously, Shreyansh stepped forward, his voice shaking.

"How's my mom, doctor? Please, tell me."

One of the main doctors said,

"She's not in danger anymore." Everyone felt relieved for a moment, but then he said,

"But she's in coma."

"What?" Adhiraj said very quietly, crying.

Everyone was surprised to see him so upset, which was not like him.

"When will she wake up, doctor?" Abhiraj asked, his voice shaking.

"We can't say for sure," the doctor said seriously.

"It could be a day, a month, or even a year. She fell very hard, which caused blood to clot in her brain during the operation, putting her in this deep sleep. I'm sorry, but I have to go see other patients now."

After the doctors left, everyone was quiet, each person feeling very worried and scared

Shreyansh was crying a lot. He didn't try to wipe away his tears.

Viaanshi felt very sad seeing him like this. She went to him and gently put her hands on his shoulders.

But he quickly moved away from her touch. She was confused by this. When he turned to look at her, his eyes were very red. He said slowly,

"Don't you dare."

She was confused. She asked,

But before she could finish, he shouted,

"Just be quiet! I said don't you dare say a word."

She was surprised that how he yelled. She jumped a little, not used to him being so angry. Ekansh stepped forward to defend his sister.

"How dare you, Ansh, talk to my sister like that. Lower your voice!"

Shreyansh looked at him without saying anything. He pointed to his phone with his eyes.

"No one will come between us until I say. Remember!" he said.

Ekansh's face changed after seeing something on Shreyansh's phone. He stepped back.

Shreyansh shouted,

"Just because of you, my mother is in a deep sleep. Why did you do that? Why?"

She was crying as she said,

"Wh-what did I even do?"

"You," he said meanly, clapping his hands to make fun of her. Then he got very cold. Pointing at her, he said

"You pushed my mom from the terrace, didn't you?"

"I-I didn't," she tried to say. But he interrupted,

"Don't you dare lie to me. I saw you on the roof when she fell."

Viaanshi felt very sad as she felt everyone judging her. She looked in Shrey's eyes, hoping he would understand. But she was very hurt by what he said next.

"We're done. Everything between us is over! And it's all because of you. You mean nothing to me now," Shrey said, turning away. His throat felt tight with emotion. A tear fell down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away

Viaanshi couldn't understand how Shrey could say she did it without listening to her side.

She was confused that he wouldn't even ask her what happened

As Tanya said mean things, accusing her of getting back at Shreyansh's mom, Viaanshi couldn't believe it.

"She must have done it to hurt your mom," Tanya said angrily

"She's crazy about Ansh, couldn't stand seeing him happy with me. When your mom said we should get married, she planned to kill her. Isn't that right, Viaanshi?"

Shreyansh's hands were in fists, he was very angry, but he didn't say anything.

"Now I see why she got so upset at lunch," Anamika said meanly.

"How could you?" she went on, sounding very angry.

"Did you even think about Anaya before you did this? Haven't you taken enough from my parents that now you go after Anaya? You're a selfish, bad person. I'm sorry I ever gave birth to you. I'm sorry for the day you were born. I'm sorry for everything. Say something, damn it! Why are you just standing there not moving?" Anamika yelled, making Viaanshi jump.

Vivaan was about to speak, but Ekaansh put his hand on his shoulder to tell him to be quiet

Suddenly, Anamika hit viaanshi across the face. Everyone was shocked by this. Shreyansh was broken, but he didn't say anything, unable to speak because he was so upset.

Viaanshi stood up straight again. She looked around at everyone's angry faces, giving them a sad smile. She looked right at Anamika.

A tear fell from her eye, but she managed to smile a little, which surprised Anamika and made her stop talking.

For the first time ever, Anamika felt a little sorry when she saw how strong Viaanshi was being.

Even though she was hurt, Viaanshi's smile of forgiveness made Anamika feel something in her heart. But she pushed that feeling away.

From the corner of her eye, Viaanshi saw Tanya smiling meanly. She knew Tanya had planned all this, but she didn't say anything.

She realized there was no point in trying to explain to people who wouldn't believe her

She saw her brothers, their eyes red from crying, but they were quiet too. Viaanshi slowly moved away from everyone.

She looked at Shreyansh, who was standing facing the door. Feeling very sad, she said,

"No matter how much I love you Shrey, no matter how much I love being with you, if you don't trust me, if you don't believe me, I'm done."

"My self-respect is more important than my feelings," she said after a pause.

Then she looked back at Anamika and said quietly,

"I hate you, Mumma." Then she walked away without looking back

Anamika was hurt by Viaanshi's words, her angry voice hurting her like a knife.

Before she could say anything, Viaanshi had already gone down the hallway.

Anamika started to feel something tighten in her chest as Viaanshi, for the first time, called her "Mumma" but said she hated her.

She felt confused, with different feelings making her heart hurt in a strange way.

After leaving the hospital, Viaanshi went straight to the Raichand house to get her important papers.

She packed her things and went to the airport, ready to start a new life somewhere else.

End of flashback


Hi everyone!!๐Ÿ˜Š

How was the update? Please tell me what you think about it, okay!

And finally, the flashback is over.

But there's more to tell later about it, so don't judge anyone too quickly.

And tell me what you think will happen next, okay.

Bye!! Take care๐Ÿ˜š

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A student who loves writing๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽ“